X-Files Premiered 17 Years Ago


Sr Member
Wow. Premiered on this date in 1993. Hard to believe it was that long ago, or that it's been off the air for eight years. Actually, for all intents and purposes the show ended two years before that when Duchovny left.
Yeah, I used to watch the show every week with friends in college. We were SUPER into it. We graduated the year Duchovny left and after watching a few episodes on my own, the magic was gone. Not just the communal enjoyment of watching with my friends, but the sense that the series had any idea where it was going as opposed to just making up crap as it went along.

The X-Files taught me a valuable lesson, though: long-form "mythology" driven TV shows are best avoided until (A) they have ended without being canceled, and (B) you know the ending doesn't suck. I never watched the last episode, and had tuned out two years before that, but my friends told me it sucked.
Thanks for making me feel really really old lol. I liked it at first but after a while it got dull
The Truth is out there. Or rather...they kept all the answers to themselves in the end.
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Yeah, I used to watch the show every week with friends in college. We were SUPER into it. We graduated the year Duchovny left and after watching a few episodes on my own, the magic was gone. Not just the communal enjoyment of watching with my friends, but the sense that the series had any idea where it was going as opposed to just making up crap as it went along.

The X-Files taught me a valuable lesson, though: long-form "mythology" driven TV shows are best avoided until (A) they have ended without being canceled, and (B) you know the ending doesn't suck. I never watched the last episode, and had tuned out two years before that, but my friends told me it sucked.

we where the same way..no matter where a bunch of us where , we would rush to watch it every week. It was a great thing..then we played the card game and collected the toys.
For one of my buddies wedding last year I recreated the Lone Gunman newspaper for them and printed them on newsprint at the wedding.
17 years! Yikes! Every long-running series runs out of gas eventually, but there was a good stretch there where it was the best thing on the tube.
Oh, no argument. Really, up through the first seven seasons, it seemed great to me. But after Duchovny left...it really went downhill. The show, however, really ended up shaking my faith in "mythology"-driven shows, which was a primary reason why I never bothered with LOST. Galactica handled its "mythology" the best, but even so I found it tough to swallow.
X-files brought out all the shows like it. Kinda like ER did for medical shows. I still enjoy X-files and the great characters/villains throughout
Such a great program. Still upset it just petered-out at the end.

In response to Yellowjacket - it didn't keep all the answers until the end. Much was explained by the time the first motion picture had rolled around.

I had the chance to meet William B. Davis, the Cigarette Smoking Man, at Dragon*Con this year. He told me, "Try not to smile so much."
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It was the best on TV, it was the worst on TV.

You can only tease the fish so many times before he loses all interest. Same with TV shows and an audience. I greatly enjoyed many episodes, but there came a point where the main plot seemed so far away from a resolution that gave up on the last few seasons. Never looked back, never saw the movies.
Back in the day before Duchovny left I never missed an episode. I miss those days:(

Alot of the great eps are around $2 on Itunes. I just downloaded a couple when I saw this thread:)
I just picked up the Hero functioning Gimlit this week from a friend that worked on the show. It is one of my long time favorites. Xfiles BUffy, ANgel I miss tv like that. All things come back around though.

A great show. Still worth owning but the last few seasons are forgettable. Mulder disappearing, "supersoldiers", new agents...The X-Files was always Mulder and Scully. Too bad the last movie probably really killed it.
I was a HUGE X-Phile until Duchovny left. I sporadically watched the odd episode afterwards.

The finale was totally unsatisfying. Really the show ended for me when Mulder finally discovers his sister is truly dead- that was the whole point of the series wasn't it?

Watched the first film, but haven't seen the second.

Miss the good old days of that show- the COPS episode was hilarious! :thumbsup

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A great show. Still worth owning but the last few seasons are forgettable. Mulder disappearing, "supersoldiers", new agents...The X-Files was always Mulder and Scully. Too bad the last movie probably really killed it.

And WHY did the producers feel that Robert Patrick was a good idea?
I'm with most of you: I watched every week until Mulder left. Then I kind of lost interest.

My girlfriend, then fiance, then wife, watched it every Friday. During college, then working, it was something we really looked forward to at the end of a long week. When they changed it to Sundays, it was kind of a bummer, because we really enjoyed our little ritual.