Working computer gauntlet countdown.


New Member
I was playing around with the Arduino micro board I got for the Mega Cannon build and though, it would be cool to have a working computer gauntlet and It would be a good test for the Cannon electronics.

I started out figuring out how to get the board up and running and upload programs. Once I got everything working on a bread board It was time to put some leds in the gauntlet. I had a bunch of tiny leds laying so I drilled out some holes and stuck them in there. I also had some windows laying around I used for this test and only programmed 3 leds.

I plan on using larger leds and diffusing them more and also making new windows to better fit the led layout.

I just have the 3 leds programmed with a simple countdown flash program but with 6 leds and a bit more programming knowledge the possibilities are endless.

Here is a link to the video -
I looked in to arduinos a while ago combined with an accelerometer in the bio to control a cannon but put it on the back burner until id got other things completed, but there did look like there where a few existing programs that could be addapted as a cannon would only need a two axis accelerometer but I never got much further than watching a few tutorials on programing. How are you finding the programing side of things ?
Programming and working with code is no my strong point by far. The gauntlet is very basic (on or off with delay) but anything more and I need some help.
Its far from my strong piont ether. But I did find quite a few sites with shared programmes where the input to output whould not mater whether your using leds motors or whatever with instructions on how to adujust things like speed or duration. There was also alot of information on the r2 builders club
a cannon would only need a two axis accelerometer
You need an IMU, that contains an accelerometer, a magnetometer and a gyroscope. With an accelerometer you can only calculate the speed of a movement but you can't calculate distance and degrees.
I have started 3 month ago to work on a controller board for the cannon and it's very hard. I have seen a lot of video and I have noticed that the movement is not movie accurate, people are shaking and tilt the head like dogs when see something strange that don't understand... forgive my bad english, I hope I've made my point
Id didn't mean that you only need an accelerometer only that a cannon moves only on two axis.iv seen some of the vids where they have been used and I know they are now where near like the movies but any moment would be fun. How far have you got with yours ?
I have to solve some problem with yaw angle, the horizontal movement sometimes is not responding well.
The rest of the circuit is ok, soon I'll post a video
as always, you guys amaze with your work..I can't even for the life of me, start on anything with circuitry :p

hence, m taking the 'easy' way out, pred not using any 'tech' save for the bio mask..actually, my glorified gas
Well I'm on the other side of the learning curve. I'm just happy to get some LEDs to blink.
Don't worry, no one is born knowing everything. Learn, study, burn components and have fun! That curve will never be straightened, for all

Is the velocity a problem at all ?
Nope. The biggest problem is the calibration of the magnetometer (I think). If the magnetometer is not well calibrated the microcontroller loose the orientation and the horizontal movement will drift. I have no problem with pitch angle, that it's not affected by the magnetometer
Don't worry, no one is born knowing everything. Learn, study, burn components and have fun! That curve will never be straightened, for all

Nope. The biggest problem is the calibration of the magnetometer (I think). If the magnetometer is not well calibrated the microcontroller loose the orientation and the horizontal movement will drift. I have no problem with pitch angle, that it's not affected by the magnetometer
Could that be due to the gravity on the horizontal
Could that be due to a lot of things, I will investigate.
I'm etching a new circuit board at this moment. Now servos are opto isolated at all from the microcontroller so I'll be sure that errors won't come from spikes or noises in the power rail