Witchblade stuff


New Member
Still Fixing up my Witchblade stuff (Bra, Glove, Shoulder pads, Shoes) for the upcoming Cosplay chess event at International Cosplay Day Singapore (ICDS) (>.< )

Making the patten on how I want it to look like

Made a mode and cast it.

This how it looks after I did some painting and stuff. But I found that the resin was too soft and it break at the side of the arm >.< So now I am trying it by adding spikes on it XD

Now added the other colors.


That is the mode that I did... so I make one more for the bra...
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This is the bra XD. Have not color it.

This is one of the small photoshoot that I try out to see how it is. >.< The bra have a mix of Expoly, Risin and eva foum. I am still trying to work out to have it look more spikely and will have to recolor it.

Now I am making my finger armor to be abit more harder
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