WIP Iron man helmet attempt #2!


New Member
Hey RPF. Some of you might have seen my iron man hemlet thread. That one was full of questions and stuff so I thought it be more organized to start a new one so people can just see my progress. Anyways, the first attempt was fail! Mainly from using wrong material and not knowing the process. Here are pics from the first time.






I kept going on an on because i thought i could save it but it was taking too much time, and I knew for a fact restarting would save me time and effort, but i didnt want to repep a helmet! Pepping was horrible! But i sucked it up and restarted and heres my progress on that.









Let me know what you guys think!
thanks! I'm having trouble getting the bondo completely smoooth. A little bump or dent always appear from no where. Is it bad that i begin sanding before its completely cured, even though its hard enough?
Is that why I cant get it complete smooth?
yup... and buying the Bondo brand doesn't help for a small area like that. Get some Evercoat Rage Xtreme or USC Pro-Gold. Costs a little more, but it spreads better 'cause it's finer, and won't clog your sandpaper.
well I just buy this at walmart and thats all they have, i think they have the bondo gold version ill check into that. Ill probably just keep going with the rest of the bondo i have left though, its not that bad to work with. Eventually i get the area pretty smooth. You can still see the lines though, idk if that will effect when i paint it, i havnt sanded with a higher grit yet either so that might be why.
this is a question to all those who have molded an iron man helmet before, is it worth it to mold it in 3 separate pieces? or should i mold it in one piece and then cut it.
thanks! im going slowly because this is technically my first time, since its the same project even though i stopped the first attempt.
hey, looking good dont give up on the sanding. more work on the sanding will lead to a much better looking finished piece. if you put a coat of primer on it will healp show up the imperfections that are all to clear in the final paint.
as far as moulding goes, i havent done a mould of my pieces but all the I.M helmet moulds ive seen are done as one piece then cut as required after. it probaly helps to prevent the parts warping differently and thus not fitting back together.
well thats what i was kind of afraid of, but dont really see it all that threatening since the inside is already fiberglassed. Bondoing/sanding would be so much easier if the helmet was cut up which is why i asked.