WIP East India Trading Co Box POTC 2&3 Jack Sparrow


Sr Member

The East India Trading Company VS Captain Jack Sparrow !
...........and the winner is???

Finally finished up my research on this little project and put together a "story board" and gathered supplies to start building........


Need something to do while I'm waiting on the Blaster Contest to end and the upcoming trip to Harry Potter world next month......
Got my pencil sharpened and my Xacto knife at the ready!

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Re: WIP East India Trading Company Box POTC2&3

Very cool! Can't wait to see this come along. I always thought that box had a great deceptively simple aesthetic to it!

I've always wondered about the logo on it though, do you happen to know if it was original to the production, or if it was an actual logo used by the EIC in its heyday? (I thought they only used flags)

Re: WIP East India Trading Company Box POTC2&3

My thought too, "deceptively simple". It's a rather crude little thing with the skirt being its only 'pretty', but the EICo logo is cool.......

I'm pretty sure the logo is just from the POTC franchise. There were so many East India companies.....English, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Swedish.....the only other logo I came across was the Dutch EIC and its pretty cool looking and maybe inspired the one in the movie.


Re: WIP East India Trading Company Box POTC2&3

Cool project - it will make a nice companion to the other PoTC props that are out there.
Re: WIP East India Trading Company Box POTC2&3

My thought too, "deceptively simple". It's a rather crude little thing with the skirt being its only 'pretty', but the EICo logo is cool.......

I'm pretty sure the logo is just from the POTC franchise. There were so many East India companies.....English, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Swedish.....the only other logo I came across was the Dutch EIC and its pretty cool looking and maybe inspired the one in the movie.



Hmmm, well, I may just have to add this project to my own ever-increasing list of things to build/make once I see yours start coming together.

And I love the research you've clearly put into this. I know after the movies came out, I briefly looked at EIC history (The English company in particular) and was hoping to find that logo to use for various purposes, but only found flags. I may have to look into the other EICs to see whether their logos or flags may have lent any further inspiration to the movie's designers.

But enough about those guys! I really can't wait to see how all of your research and skills come together to make this piece into a reality.

Good luck!


PS: I do love the Dutch EIC logo! It has the same sort of understated beauty the box and the Disney version of the logo has.
Re: WIP East India Trading Company Box POTC2&3

I plan, of course, to make it as SA looking as I can, but the construction method won't be SA or traditional. I don't have any 'real' woodworking tools so this is going to be a balsa wood build.

I am going to try to imitate 1/2 inch stock by laminating some 1/4 inch balsa pieces between 1/8 inch balsa cut to size. I did this once making a dollhouse, using 3 pieces of 1/8 inch balsa to make like 3/8 inch "plywood".

But, that's getting the cart before the horse......
First I'm making a cardboard mock-up to see if the proportions look right before I buy and start hacking away at the balsa.


Got it drawn off on some poster board so I can spend the day cutting, assembling and watching glue dry :)
Isn't that yellow a lovely color :sick Was in the Hobby Lobby clearance bin for 25 cents, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much.

Re: WIP East India Trading Company Box POTC2&3

Didn't have as much time to work on this yesterday as I had hoped. Got the bottom glued up and the front skirt drawn and cut out.


Re: WIP East India Trading Company Box POTC2&3

Got the bottom put together. Checking to see how the faux Letter of Marque cover--the next project on the list--fits into it.


Re: WIP East India Trading Company Box POTC2&3

This will be a fun project to watch. And one that has been on my "list" for a while!

Are you certain you don't want to try it in hard woods?
Re: WIP East India Trading Company Box POTC2&3

This will be a fun project to watch. And one that has been on my "list" for a while!

Are you certain you don't want to try it in hard woods?

Yeah, I'm getting near the bottom of my pirate stuff list. I want to finish this and the Letter of Marque cover and then I'm done with pirating. I have a few supplies and have always wanted to tackle the Codex, but, well the tide has turned and my interest in POTC is waning rapidly and I fear that's one beast I'll never conquer. So it's more or less been stricken from the list.

I'd love to do the box in hardwoods, even in pine, but I don't have the necessary equipment and don't do enough woodwork ever to justify buying such equipment.

As I've said before, I'm just a fiddler with an Xacto knife! Besides I really like working with balsa. It has many great properties and it's really more like sculpting than woodworking. It makes a piece that is substantial enough and best of all--it's portable. I can work on it anywhere, not have to be locked up in a workshop!

Working on the box top, having a little bit of trouble figuring out the angle of that 'frame' around the EICo logo. It's not very steep, in fact, the top of the box is nearly flat. Trying to work that out by some trial and error.

Re: WIP East India Trading Company Box POTC2&3

Working on the box top, having a little bit of trouble figuring out the angle of that 'frame' around the EICo logo. It's not very steep, in fact, the top of the box is nearly flat. Trying to work that out by some trial and error.

Yes - the lid is the one element that has me vexed, particluarly the facets.

With the right tools (which neither of us have!) I suppose you could plane it out of a solid block of wood. Maybe.

For the logo, I was thinking I'd cut it out of a thinner piece (cut all the way through), then add a backing plate underneath.
Re: WIP East India Trading Company Box POTC2&3

Is that what you call that, facets? Yeah, it's def beveled a wee bit, but how much? I just did some trial and error.....1/4 didn't seem like anything, and 1/2 seemed too much, so I went with a 3/8 inch rise. Photographed from near the same angle as the screen cap, it looks close....may look different in the wood--when I get there, guess that will require some more trial and error.

I guess you could plane off a block of wood like that, but I know I'm not skilled enough to ever get it straight. Maybe do it on some kind of router table?
Looking at the ref pic just now, and those lines going across that front beveled/faceted edge, I always wondered about what they were--could be gouges from a too heavy-handed planing.......

For the logo, that's exactly what I was going to do, cut it out of the 1/8 balsa and it will be backed by the piece used to make the rise for the bevel.

Anyway, here's the top mock-up I did. Going to try to get the balsa first part of next week, but won't have much time to work much on that it till after I get back from Harry Potter World, and have forgotten all I learned putting the mock-up together :lol



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Re: WIP East India Trading Company Box POTC2&3

The age of sail is my favorite era in history and so all the PoTC threads catch my interest. The Honorable East India Company was their official, so rather then the EIC, it was the HEIC. But a bit of artistic license doesn't often do any harm.

I did a bit of searching and I found the HEIC coat of arms.

Hope this helps and good luck with your project.
Re: WIP East India Trading Company Box POTC2&3

Looks like the top is added on right above the corner joints.
Looking at the coloring and grain it appears to be one solid piece and the logo has what looks like a rounded bottom inside the straight parts.

Also notice the nails holding it on.

Could be the angle of the image but the inside of the top looks like an inset piece making it very shallow also notice the darker color.
Re: WIP East India Trading Company Box POTC2&3

Looks like the top is added on right above the corner joints.
Looking at the coloring and grain it appears to be one solid piece and the logo has what looks like a rounded bottom inside the straight parts.

Also notice the nails holding it on.

Could be the angle of the image but the inside of the top looks like an inset piece making it very shallow also notice the darker color.

I think the top of the lid was made out of one solid piece and what makes the "lip" of the lid was made separate and the carved top attached to it.

The rounded bottoms inside the logo, yeah, that's how it would look if you chiseled it out with one of those U chisels. Waffling on whether I should try to duplicate the look?

I think I know what the little box started life as, or at least probably what the prop folk built it same as or to give the impression that of what it began life as, and I've taken as much inspiration/information from that as from the SA box.

Anyway, I'ma outta time-a to do anything else till after the FL trip. Did get my "lumber" today--$34.00 worth of Balsa wood.


Re: WIP East India Trading Company Box POTC2&3

Yes - the lid is the one element that has me vexed, particluarly the facets.

With the right tools (which neither of us have!) I suppose you could plane it out of a solid block of wood. Maybe.

For the logo, I was thinking I'd cut it out of a thinner piece (cut all the way through), then add a backing plate underneath.

Rob, just about anyone with a little cabinetmaking experience could help you cut the lid facets on a table saw by tilting the blade. It's done all the time when making raised panels for doors. Or, with the proper cutter, it can also be done with a router or shaper table.

This would be a nifty prop to make!