Wilson from Cast Away?


Master Member
Who here has done one, and can you throw up some pics?

For those around back at the turn of the century, this was a REAL popular (and fairly easy) item to replicate. Not to mention that per IMDB an original sold for eighteen grand, so a bit of an icon in its own time.

I have the licensed Wilson ball with the screen-print bloody hand (which I will enhance with a better paint job). I'm not worried about the palm stems, nor cutting the ball, nor even discoloring it.

But how in the name of Zeus' butthole (sorry - had to quote Nick Cage there for a minute) do you get that swollen look to the new volleyball...!?
Here's a pic of one I used to own. Made by our very own Wampa.


Of the 3 props I regret selling, this is #2.:cry