Why all the hate for James Cameron?


Active Member
For many things that irritate me, I often try to just let them slide, but it's kind of gotten to a point where it's just flat out annoying now. I'm no fan boy by any measure, but it's become increasingly difficult to browse around the internet without stumbling across someone bagging the crap out of James Cameron :confused

You'd have to be naive to deny the reports of him being somewhat of a perfectionist or perhaps even a tyrant at times, but one thing that history has taught us is that some of our most well known artists were indeed nuts to at least some degree. Whether or not you agree with his methods, it cannot be argued that his style has come to offer great, if not truly magical results at times.

Obviously, every person and their opinion varies when it comes to things we may or may not like, but one thing that has to be agreed on is that he has had, and will continue to have, on top of being an important figure within the film industry, an astonishingly successful body of work, not only as a director, but also as a writer, creator and an amazing story teller.

Love him or not, he's one talented dude, so maybe people should just back off a touch and accept his brilliance for what it is. Besides, most of it's probably just jealousy anyway :D
I think it's mostly because he's turned into a rather odd tree hugging kook who gets all preachy on how we should love a tree while he leaves a carbon footprint as he likes to say (stupid word) the size of nebraska from his house and such. That and his movies haven't been very good since Aliens.
Ugh. That guy seems like such a plant or an ebay *********. Who stalks a celebrity at the airport with a poster to sign. Just seems creepy.

I wouldn't have signed it either.

Man, he was cooler than I'd be if some fool did that to me at the end of a long flight and I was just trying to get a ride back home.

Come ON; that's ridiculous. Just like anyone, he was cool until he wasn't.

I can't follow you there Larry, sorry.

For one, you KNOW he flew first class, if not a chartered flight. HOW TIRED CAN YOU BE?

Secondly...IT'S PART OF THE JOB TO SIGN AUTOGRAPHS. At this stage of anyone's career, he is now a public figure and chould act as such. Sorry I have met WAY too many high profile celebs that have been all to curtious.

Thirdly (if that even is a word), If he didn't want to sign an autograph, just ignore the person. Be the bigger person and just don't say anything. Don't call someone out and say "I don't owe you anything"...

I choose to avoid his movies. Besides he really hasn't made a good movie since Terminator.
Well for me, it was this that did it. Yes, this was filmed by TMZ but the person was not affiliated with TMZ that was asking for the autograph:

YouTube - ‪James Cameron in Major A-Hole Dispute‬‏
I'm sure that he's followed by this kind of attention EVERYWHERE he goes, so if he decides from time to time to pass up a signing, the fan should respect his wishes.
As much as I would appreciate that much attention myself, you'd no doubt have moments where you would just want to be left alone.
I'm sure that he's followed by this kind of attention EVERYWHERE he goes, so if he decides from time to time to pass up a signing, the fan should respect his wishes.
As much as I would appreciate that much attention myself, you'd no doubt have moments where you would just want to be left alone.

I can understand that. So just ignore the person. Say "thank you for watching my film but I am not signing anything today". Or just don't say anything at all.
James Cameron films start off with great ieads,but I think at some point... his films fall victim to not only the all mightly dollar/patron,but they get lost somehow in the script/story from pressure of the "BIG HEAD WANKERS" of the studios and between them scewing the script and him....the film loses its initial drive and plot and come out as a large flaggelent ending.
There may be other more valid reasons to dislike James Cameron. But I think any celebrity should not be obligated to sign autographs, just cause a fan demands or even requests it. That fan didn't have the courtesy to leave Cameron alone when he refused it for the first time. But the fan kept on insisting and following him like a spoilt brat.

YouTube - Michael J Fox causes a fan frenzy
Just look at these vultures, majority of these are not true fans at all, but mere eBay sellers. And in spite of his condition, he doesn't stop and keeps on giving.
If he had a marker or pen and gave the item and writing utensil at the same time while he was waiting there, Cameron probably could've signed it while walking towards his van and handed it back...probably nothing bad would've happened. I can't really tell what's really happening in the vid but either way, who knows?

I respect his talents and I love Aliens and Terminator 2. But yeah, sometimes Cameron can be annoying. So can Lucas. And even the late Kubrick gets to be a real a-hole whenever he's seen working (like in "The Making of The Shining"). Everyone has their on and off days. However, reflecting what SPS said, good artists are generally nuts. If I was in his shoes, I would've been a bit more humble unless that guy in the video really was an a-hole.
Two schools of thought here.
1. He's an amazing visionary and can really do no wrong. Aliens and Avatar. We all want the costumes and props. Puke Rifle and Wasp = awesome.
2. I worked with him on Titanic and let me tell you right now, genius comes with a price. He's a cock to work for but he channels it well.
I can't follow you there Larry, sorry.

For one, you KNOW he flew first class, if not a chartered flight. HOW TIRED CAN YOU BE?

Secondly...IT'S PART OF THE JOB TO SIGN AUTOGRAPHS. At this stage of anyone's career, he is now a public figure and chould act as such. Sorry I have met WAY too many high profile celebs that have been all to curtious.

Thirdly (if that even is a word), If he didn't want to sign an autograph, just ignore the person. Be the bigger person and just don't say anything. Don't call someone out and say "I don't owe you anything"...
Sorry, but what a load of BS.

You don't know what the guy's been doing all day, so just because you have some rich celeb envy doesn't mean he cannot be tired. You don't know what he's been doing.

Secondly: I don't understand people feeling entitled to someone else's autograph. They are IN NO WAY obligated to sign ANYTHING for you EVER. If they decide to sign something, it is their choice and you should feel lucky.

Thirdly: you don't know how many other knuckleheads he'd had to suffer that day or that week or that month... maybe he was just having a bad day!? And this one was an idiot stalker and was having the whole thing filmed - screams *looking for sensationalism/trash/celebs going crazy* so they can sell the tape for big bucks. Nothing but opportunists pushing for a reaction.
Two schools of thought here.
1. He's an amazing visionary and can really do no wrong. Aliens and Avatar. We all want the costumes and props. Puke Rifle and Wasp = awesome.
2. I worked with him on Titanic and let me tell you right now, genius comes with a price. He's a cock to work for but he channels it well.

Work environment changes people. I´ve seen the nicest people go ballistic on set, and vice versa. Just recently worked for a director who has a bad rep for being a choleric, but it turned out that once he feels that you know what you are doing and you show that you put real effort into making things work, then he´s just happy. He just wants to work, having a huge burden due to the responsibility for a team that causes costs every minute. Loads of pressure, I´d say.

The autograph incident seems a bit staged, especially since it´s not shown real time, i.e. there seems to be something missing. We don´t know how long that guy was going after Cameron, and since I have a loose idea about the broad range of things that one would call harrassment I think that JC has a high threshold for harrrassment.

And I think that when Cameron ignored the guy right after passing through the door should have been enough of a sign that he does not want to sign an autograph.

First class flight or not, we also do not know what was on Cameron´s mind, if he was working, or had to prepare for a meeting or had troubles at home, or whatever. I´d say that geniuses with a success story in their bags don´t rest at all, their mind´s occupied at all times.

Work environment changes people. I´ve seen the nicest people go ballistic on set, and vice versa. Just recently worked for a director who has a bad rep for being a choleric, but it turned out that once he feels that you know what you are doing and you show that you put real effort into making things work, then he´s just happy. He just wants to work, having a huge burden due to the responsibility for a team that causes costs every minute. Loads of pressure, I´d say.
Yeah, people tend to be friendlier when you bring your A-game to the mix.
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