Who makes the most accurate Origins Wolverine jacket?


New Member
I'm looking to buy a X-Men Origins Wolverine jacket, and I'm wondering who make a really accurate jacket and how much do they cost?
Ebay had one for around 140 when the movie came out, then MJ died and he started making MJ jackets. Check there first. They were very well done and the guy had great rep. I almost bought one. I wanted to loose weight before attempting the Logan look.
Sorry I dont remember the guys name, but you could look up the MJ jackets and ask.
Good Luck.
I'm looking to buy a X-Men Origins Wolverine jacket, and I'm wondering who make a really accurate jacket and how much do they cost?

The finite XO jacket has been done. It's been mentioned here as Dan from Logan's Closet has it here:

X-MEN Origins Wolverine Vanson motorcycle leather jacket Hugh Jackman Logan James Howlett

It's on the pricier side due to it's an actual riding jacket that's made out of heavy weight cowhide leather. Many on eBay steal Dan's pics in a sad attempt to hock their crap. This is the real deal by Vanson. If you ever decide on this one, you won't be sorry. I promise you. :cool
thank you superDrool, I've seen the logan's closet website before. Thanks for all the suggestions.
Magnoli always comes in a very close second for replica jackets. Just not as accurate I think they could be. I also think the cowhide upgrade price is too steep. But that may be just me. :/