who made this Cricket


Well-Known Member
due to the price and that it has sounds i was wondering.
john :cool

edit: should read "Who made a MiB Noisy Cricket with sound and lights?"

...no live auction links.
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Not a big guru when it comes to MIB props but I know Unobtainium did a metal piece. Maybe electronics were added in?
Unobtainium leftovers.

Lots of backdoor crickets back in the day. Some got lights and sound on the secondary market but the originals had lights.
Actually that could be a Dstines cricket. He made them with sound.
edit made, unless there's fraud or something involved, please keep live auction links out of posts. :thumbsup
As said, Unobtainium leftovers.

DS never machined a cricket, he simply used the leftovers that got out when Unobtainium called it quits. He did some nice builds with electronics but they were Unobtainium crickets just the same.

I was hired (along with a good friend) to "sheppard" the crickets for Unobtainium back in the day...

Actually that could be a Dstines cricket. He made them with sound.
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As said, Unobtainium leftovers.

DS never machined a cricket, he simply used the leftovers that got out when Unobtainium called it quits. He did some nice builds with electronics but they were Unobtainium crickets just the same.

I was hired (along with a good friend) to "sheppard" the crickets for Unobtainium back in the day...

What Rylo said.

I did a fair amount of Crickets in my day....at least 20-30 of them.