Who made this BR prop?


Sr Member
I have a question about a common BR prop that I see all over the place. It is the eagle police badge that is convex and we see a bunch of people making casts of (including Sidkit at one time, and cool models). I originally heard it was screen used, but I had a feeling it wasn't. After Phase Pistol posted his pictures from worldcon we could see that the 995 (99S) badge was actually cast from a screen used piece but the Eagle badge wasn't. Does anybody know who did it, or is it somebody here?

Here is a pic from the Intergalactic trading company patch based on the design I am talking about.

Thank you,
WHat.. you mean this badge?


No, I mean the old imitation copy of that badge :)

Actually Blad had made an updated, more "Worldcon Accurate" version of the badge, but before that there was one that was always paired with the 995 badge in both resin and metal forms. Cool Models and Sidkit both were selling them. They show up on ebay all the time. I will dig out my copies and take pics of them.

Oh, and nice photos Phase Pistol :D
