Which Madagascar do you like best?

Wes R

Legendary Member
I just finally saw the original and second and I have to say I prefer the Penguins of Madagascar cartoon on Nick and the Christmas special over both of them. Just seems like the Penguins are better written than the other characters except the Lemurs.
I just finally saw the original and second and I have to say I prefer the Penguins of Madagascar cartoon on Nick and the Christmas special over both of them. Just seems like the Penguins are better written than the other characters except the Lemurs.

my daughter watches the show religiously and i having seen more episodes then i care to admit, i think the penguins and king julian outshine / steal the show from the main cast of the films.

Any Idea which WWII film the penguins are based on?
The third one is hilarious, although I find it sad that I enjoyed the supporting characters more than the main cast.

And god....Mort......God..........SO FUNNY!
I didn't even remember posting this then i saw it's a year old which explains it lol. Yeah the show's cast outshines the main cast in the movies.
Yeah, funny thing when we took the kiddies to #3. All of us came out saying how much more we preffered Danny Jacobs and Jeff Bennett to the film voices. Even Andy Richter and Tom McGrath came across as flat in the third film. And would it have killed them to cameo Marlene when they get back to the zoo?

Liked the third one, but I think the best balanced between the three films was number 2, and had some of the best lines ("Oh, suddenly throwing a giraffe into a volcano to make water, is crazy!" and "hurry up before we all come to our senses" kill me every time).

Interestingly, Wes, the Penguins were apparently the original concept for the enitre venture, but evidently the feeling was they would serve better as supporting characters. My gut feeling is that McGrath is more interested in dealing with them, which may all explain why you feel that way.

That all said, current favorite phrase in the family is "That's not failure, that's "redefined objectives!" :)
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