Where can I buy clay for sculping?

Egon Spengler

Master Member
I really want to get into sculping masks but I have no idea where I can buy clay for doing such a thing locally. Also what's the best type of clay to use for sculpting?

Oil base clay, "Roma plasteline". Comes in different hardnesses. I usaully use the medium. But you will need an armature,otherwise you will use alot of clay building it up. And your will need to sculpt your mask bigger than your own head. Are you doig latex masks or Fiberglass helmets?
If your doing helmets you may want to use a different clay because of the silicone mold process.
And Clonesix is the man for that info.
Try www.fxwarehouse.net for ordering the clay. They have always treated me well.
They are out of Florida.