What's your favorite Zombie/ Living Dead film?

Dawn of the Dead
Shaun of the Dead
28 Days Later

All other zombie movies have come across as very campy especially the unfortunate stream of "zombie" movies in the 80s and early 90s.
SHAUN OF THE DEAD - because there's no I in "team"

Hmm would films like Friday, The Ring and Grudge also fall into this "category"?? They do feature "living dead".

watching Interview With The Vampire when she was 7.

:lol I started watching horror films like Friday the 13th, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street.... when I was 6-7 :p

Let's all go to the Winchester!

You've got red on you.
Hmm would films like Friday, The Ring and Grudge also fall into this "category"?? They do feature "living dead".

Friday, The Ring and Grudge

whats her face form the twilight series as the facial acting range of a zombie, does that count?
true fav Z movies
28 days later-first time i ever saw fast zombies, changed everything for me, was never scared of the slow old people zombies, but ones that haul ass are terrifying!
I'm a sucker for any Zombie flick, but my ATFs are:

Shaun of the Dead (great comedy)
Warm Bodies (a bit cheesy, but nice)
Night of the Living Dead (gotta love the classics)
28 Days Later & 28 Weeks Later (a rabies-like virus that turns a person into a fast zombie in 20 seconds is downright terrifying)

I would totally agree with this list :p You have good tastes sir :p
I would add La horde too ^^
Dead Set was a really good miniseries out of Britain. Basically the zombie apocalypse happens and the contestants of the big brother house don't realise it. Sounds like a comedy but its a legit horror series and really good. 5 episodes I believe.

I watched Shaun of the Dead a few weeks ago and I only realized in the one scene where ed shouts over the phone "We're coming to get you Barbara!!!!" I've been watching that movie since the day it came out and only JUST noticed that nod to NOTLD.
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