What's up with this Luke ESB saber?


Sr Member
I was going through my reference pics and I noticed that the saber in the scene where Luke loses his hand is odd looking. I did a search and I didn't see anything about it.


The back end looks really thick and I don't see a clamp holding the activator on. It looks as if it's a hollow top shell of a Graflex stuck onto another type of flash maybe? Also, is it just me, or does it look like a hole's been drilled in the shroud?

EDIT: Just saw this

Kinda reminds me of it.
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Is that not the saber thought to be converted into the Vader ROTJ graflex? I remember that being discussed quite some time ago but I can't remember what the consensus was.
Ok, cool to know. What's it made up of though? I've become intrigued with it. It's just so ugly. Lower half might be a Kobold or somthing. The activator is odd. Looks like it's attached directlt to the tube. Not sure about the button either. Might just be the lighting but it doesn't look quite like a standard button to me.
I dunno, i always thought it was just a Graflex with the guts and ears removed, but now that I look at it again I'm not so sure. That area just below the thumb does look a little odd, dunno if it's a trick of light or a Kobold like you say. Could very well be a Graflex top and Kobold shoved into it.

It very well could be the saber in the lower photo, and that black spot at the tip could be remnants of the black paint, and the ears are simply removed and the bits that attach them bent down.
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stunt saber - I actually made one with the blade, came out cool:


Close Ups

Was a fun project - Scotchlite tape on the blade came out cool - all metal rod for the blade

Yeah, it's similar I think. I think it's put together in the same way but each has features that the other doesn't.
Yeah I'm kinda seein the same thing there. Still don't think that spot at the tip is a drilled hole, but other than that, that's pretty much what I see.
Don't think so for a couple of reasons, If you cut the saber apart in MSPaint and stick the front end on the back end, the back is wider than the front. Also, there's no clamp, so what's that activator box?