What's up with the MR Spiderman movie mask?

I believe they are just doing the comic book version...I have seen the small scale version and believe for whatever reason they are not doing the movie version anymore!:rolleyes
It would be an extremely poor business move to cancel the movie version. Apparently, Spider-man 3 is becoming more popular than either 1 or 2 was before they came out. I for one have no interest in the comic version just for fact that there are so many versions in the comic books.
SM mask

I would be very interested in a comic book one (done right). Sure every artist draws it different - the nature of art - but it has a "look" that is Spidey. Although in general you could say that look is the movie one. Sure the comic version doesn't have 3D webbing, but that because it is not 3D. That leaves the only real variation in the eye size. I would love to see a mask with big Todd McFarlane style spidey eyes, but I am not holding my breath. I think a good looking movie version would sell very well. Of course I think they are missing the boat, waiting until the third movie (after the monster sucess of the second) since this is likely the last SM film for now (at least with this cast) it is a little late in my opinion. But...
The problem for me was that the scaled Mask looked really bad. I have seen better on ebay. If that was the look they would have had with the full size I don't think they would have sold well.
But that is just me, who knows.:)