What's this e-mail deal???

Dark One

Well-Known Member
So why all of a sudden are free e-mail addresses no longer welcome after the 31st? This does not make sense to me.
He means the post here:


<div class='quotetop'></div>
To register on the RPF, you must submit a legitimate e-mail address from your ISP (ex: Earthlink, RoadRunner, Comcast, etc.) for verification purposes.

Registrations from FREE email accounts (ex: YAHOO, HOTMAIL, GMAIL, etc.) are NOT ACCEPTABLE, and will be denied activation and subsequently removed. To register on the RPF you must register with a legitimate e-mail address from your ISP (ex: Earthlink, RoadRunner, Comcast, etc.) for verification purposes within the registration period and must maintain a legitimate email address on your account at all times. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS. Any active user account found with a FREE email account registered after 10/31/06 will be locked and/or removed.[/b]

It's very confusing to read it. I can see it both ways right now. Either:

1. Everyone from 1999 to October 31st who has registered with a free account is ok


2. Everyone that is a current active member that has a free e-mail on their account needs to change it to a non-free e-mail addy before the 31st or be locked/deleted

If a staff member could please clarify this, that would be much appreciated. Thanks. :)
looks to me like any pre-oct 31st people are okay.

looks to me like any pre-oct 31st people are okay.
"Any active user account found with a FREE email account registered after 10/31/06 will be locked and/or removed. "

You all registered before 10/31/06 so you're fine.
I had a few questions about this. I know it is to prevent potential sock puppetry, but has it really been that much of an issue with the last round of registrations? Are you trying to prevent possible studio "Spies" from perusing the members only area of the site? Gmail is an invite only email server, if I recall. Those email addys are more stable, in my opinion, as they can go with you no matter your ISP.

I know it is really not a concern, but for those who have friends who want to register here and may be turned off by giving the ISP email addy, it may be an issue.
Could they join intially with a non free email address, and then change it once the ninty day period is up?
I don't even have an isp based email. And adelphia (my isp) is getting ready to do some funky crap with their addresses, not sure of specifics, my wife was telling me about it and when she talks technical I tune her out since she doesn't know the difference between a NIC and a Video Card.
<div class='quotetop'>(Qui-Gonzalez @ Oct 21 2006, 08:35 AM) [snapback]1342170[/snapback]</div>
I had a few questions about this. I know it is to prevent potential sock puppetry, but has it really been that much of an issue with the last round of registrations?
The last batch of new registrations had to comply with the requirement of a ISP based email addy so it's not a totally new concept.

<div class='quotetop'>(GDafi @ Oct 21 2006, 09:26 AM) [snapback]1342184[/snapback]</div>
Could they join intially with a non free email address, and then change it once the ninty day period is up?
No they can't switch, they must maintain thier ISP based addy. The email addy can also be from an employer.
<div class='quotetop'>(SurferGeek @ Oct 21 2006, 10:46 AM) [snapback]1342212[/snapback]</div>
<div class='quotetop'>(Qui-Gonzalez @ Oct 21 2006, 08:35 AM) [snapback]1342170[/snapback]
I had a few questions about this. I know it is to prevent potential sock puppetry, but has it really been that much of an issue with the last round of registrations?
The last batch of new registrations had to comply with the requirement of a ISP based email addy so it's not a totally new concept.

<div class='quotetop'>(GDafi @ Oct 21 2006, 09:26 AM) [snapback]1342184[/snapback]</div>
Could they join intially with a non free email address, and then change it once the ninty day period is up?
No they can't switch, they must maintain thier ISP based addy. The email addy can also be from an employer.
That last part seems a bit much to me. Granted, I am well under the umbrella for this, but can we get a clearer understanding other than "This is the way it is and you cannot change"? As LordFett said, ISP based emails are quickly falling to the wayside with companies like Adelphia changing hands. There are more than enough ways to track the comings and goings of members without such a stipulation, or am I missing things here?
I haven't used my ISP email since 1999. I doubt I can still get into it. It used to get about 600 junk mails a day. I found that free email accounts were more reliable.
Yeah me too. I get all my ISP mail redirected to my yahoo addy because Yahoo's spam and junkmail filter works a lot better then anything I cna install on my PC, plus its free(the anti-spam/anti junkmail filter that is). I don't even remember my ISP password anymore offhand.
This change reaks of paranoia. But, then again you do have people boasting (or at least hinting) on other sites about their sock puppet accounts on the other sites.

I've had the same AOL address for about 11 years now. I've paid more than my fair share to them. But, AOL now offers free e-mail... does this mean that my account will be canceled even though I've been a RPFer for 6 years with that e-mail address? This is the same address I use for PayPal and eBay.. strange how that it's good enough for them, but not for the RPF.

Legitimate people use free e-mail services like hotmail, yahoo and gmail. Eliminating people who use those services is just a silly move - and again a very paranoid move.
All that you need to do is actually read the opening registration post:


or find the same information which has even been posted in this very thread and you will see the following:

"Any active user account found with a FREE email account registered after 10/31/06 will be locked and/or removed."

So to me that means...

Anyone that has registered BEFORE 10/31/06 does not have to change their email address.

I belong to a few forums that also do not allow free email accounts to be used for registration purposes, so for me at least it does not seem that unusual.
<div class='quotetop'></div>
This change reaks of paranoia.[/b]

<div class='quotetop'></div>
But, AOL now offers free e-mail...[/b]

As do many other ISPs if you look around, it's a silly useless rule at best... There is no way to differentiate free email from non-free "ISP" email... You can pretend to and you can block the obvious like Hotmail and Gmail but can you honestly block all 11+ million AOL users just because they offer free email?

And what designates "from an employer" domains are a whopping few dollars a year to register, and I know of at least one ISP that will even register a domain for free for you to use as a vanity email address... You can be "employed" in a few hours on the net...

The "sockpuppet" accounts will ALWAYS exist, they do today and they will tomorrow, and there is little to nothing anyone can do... The delayed registration and this email thing cause more aggrivation for new members (who I see complain on other forums, about the elite RPF club) then it does for the "sockpuppet" person who simply jumps through the hoops with multiple accounts when registration is open and laughs all the way to posting...

It's hardly a silly, useless rule and hardly based in paranoia.

And exo, despite your obvious professional expertise in every field known to man, there actually are benefits to a rule like this. You don't have to have a way to automatically check if an email is "free" or not. If something looks suspicious, it's usually not that hard to find out if it's worthy of giving the benefit of the doubt to.

None of you guys would even be affected as it'd obviously only apply to new members according to Gita's note and I've seen as many complaints about new members as I've seen from new members. That argument swings both ways.

There's no ironclad way of preventing sockpuppets and scammers but if asking for a verifiable email address sets off your "big brother alarm", heaven help you. That's just sad IMHO.
<div class='quotetop'>(dualedge @ Oct 23 2006, 12:14 PM) [snapback]1343440[/snapback]</div>
And exo, despite your obvious professional expertise in every field known to man, there actually are benefits to a rule like this.

:angel :angel :angel

Not, every field but thanks anyway...

Dual, feel free to name one benefit, that will hold water any real water to anyone outside law enforcement or the courts?

I will agree that there are very minute benefits but they are all void when you can't tell free from "legit"

When you can't tell the difference between freemember@aol.com and legitmember@aol.com what's the point?

Sorry but, I'll say it again it's a silly rule with no real benefits, and that isn't my opinion that is a fact...
okay currently my account uses a paid for account that is my star wars email address.

this redirects to my AOL account which I never check.

since it is still before that date can I change it to my yahoo that I DO check so that I don't miss any notices and emails? is it even possible to change the email address the system uses?