What's a brotha gotta do for an Imperial Officer disc?

That's what I've been hearing. I'll PM him. I checked his site thinking I'd find them there for some reason... :lol
That IS ob1kenny I believe. Didn't find that area of his site for some reason. Oops.

Nah, you guys got that wrong. Kenny and Elvis Trooper are two TOTALLY differant people. I've hung out with both of them and they are completely differant. ;)

Yes, that is the correct link.

Yes, Obi1kenny is a member here, from way back in the day.

Yes, I know the ElvisTrooper and even got my pic with him recently.


ElvisTrooper on the left, Obi1kenny on the right.

Yes, that is the correct link.

Yes, Obi1kenny is a member here, from way back in the day.

Yes, I know the ElvisTrooper and even got my pic with him recently.


ElvisTrooper on the left, Obi1kenny on the right.

Hmmmmm, I was gonna say it was kind of like Superman and Clark Kent, one's never around when the other is, but this photo sheds new light on the situation--lol


P.S. If we all asked nicely enough would you plllleeeeeeaaaase produce some more Vader ROTJ Saber parts???
I really didn't think there was much interest in the machined DV ROTJ parts anymore. And besides, there are a ton of resin copies out there of my parts, who needs metal when you can have recast resin for a fraction of the cost.

But I do have a few extra parts left over in a box somewhere. Been meaning to pull them out and list them in the Junkyard one of these days. So, feel free to shoot me a PM if interested and I will see what I have left.