What type/kind of stilts to get for a costume?


Sr Member
Need a set of stilts at some point this fall for a costume, just was wondering what kind to get, anyone brand better then the other, something that is heavy duty. I noticed the max weight limit is 220, so if your over and only wearing these once awhile for a couple of hours per time, would that be ok yet??
Also what is the best way to attach some shoes to stilts to make it more comfortable? thankyou :)
<div class='quotetop'>(takevin @ Aug 28 2006, 03:59 PM) [snapback]1308590[/snapback]</div>
Need a set of stilts at some point this fall for a costume, just was wondering what kind to get, anyone brand better then the other, something that is heavy duty. I noticed the max weight limit is 220, so if your over and only wearing these once awhile for a couple of hours per time, would that be ok yet??
Also what is the best way to attach some shoes to stilts to make it more comfortable? thankyou :)

a lot of people use the drywall type stilts, they attach below the knee and are easy to walk in.

john :cool
Yeah, I've only seen drywall stilts as well used in costuming. Having seen them used as their intended purpose in the construction field, I can see why they are the stilt of choice. Comfort, mobility, good design all in one.

As for the weight thing, I'd stay away from exceeding it, but I doubt that it would crash under itself if the rating was exceeded by say 20lbs give or take. However if you're 300 and getting on 200 rated stilts............well, just wear some extra padding ;)

Well at some stage I'd like to get an Alien Warrior costume, I've always thought Power-risers like these would be such a cool addition - Imagine an alien tearing down the street and jumping out at you and freaking people out with seemingly impossible leaps and bounds.. :p

..not sure how you'd best incorporate them into the suit discreetly though.


"The adult model Powerisers give users from 130 lbs to 220 lbs the ability to jump up to 6 feet in the air and take running strides of up to 9 feet in length."

Anyway would this sort of thing be of any help to ya??

Takevin, assume you're talking about PoweRisers too.

I considered using a set with a Lycan costume (Underworld), but at 240 lbs I imagine the tensions of the stilts wouldn't be a good idea. Can just imagine if something snapped it could be nasty for the wearer, and possibly an bystanders.