What seal is used for the I, Robot CPD ID card?

Hellclaw 01

Well-Known Member
I commissioned someone to make me a Spooner ID from I, Robot. I am gathering photos as reference but I cannot find the seal used in the center of the Chicago Police logo. It does not seem to be the actual CPD seal. Does anyone know what was used?
Already been done on here before. Have you doen a search for it? Seem to have been quite a few for sale in the past, even had them light up as I recall.
Already been done on here before. Have you doen a search for it? Seem to have been quite a few for sale in the past, even had them light up as I recall.

I don't think the ID lit up too, did it?

I did a search, there was no info as to what the seal was used in the center of the logo though.

Also, I see there was a project or two done before. Is there some reason this should deter me from having one made?
I'm sure that pointing you to an existing thread was to provide you with information, not to serve as a deterrent. THIS thread has a lot of info in it, as well as some hi-res pix of the seal on the badge (check out post #11).

I seem to recall it being stated that in was, in fact, the official seal. *shrugs*
Yes, Yes. I did not have ANY intention of deterring you from working on your own project. I was in a hurry and my thoughts into typing did not convey my intentions properly.
A working version with lights was indeed built and I think a run of them did go through the junkyard. The above link should fill you in all the details. I did some work on the inner part of the seal. Not sure If my work was what made it to the final project, but it does look pretty similar. I posted it here a long time ago. Let me know if you can't find it elsewhere and Ill try to dig up my old photoshop file.