What prop???


Sr Member
What prop would you like to see made? There are so many awesome things here but everyone has that "one" that seems to never make it here. What would yours be??
An accurate Aliens Pulse Rifle. While we are in fantasy land I would add on to that "An Inexpensive and accurate Aliens Pulse Rifle."
Scotty's wrench from ST TOS. Or if it HAS been made, I have yet to see it.
Scotty's wrench from ST TOS. Or if it HAS been made, I have yet to see it.

Do you mean this one?


Done that one for someone else.
A 12in figure of Chris Dennis and his apartment playset featuring costume cooling shower and Crystal Gail album


Sorry not really a prop but something I would like to see get made.
A functioning key ring finder (without the gas and the bomb, of course) from The Living Daylights.

And the amber mosquito from Jurassic Park. They were offered a while back but nobody seems to be making these anymore.
1. Screen accurate style ESB/ROTJ Vader gloves

2. Screen accurate style leather Vader ESB suit

Those above would be nice.

The Valmet M82 based rifle used by Kyle Reese in The Terminator, or the Muzzelite based variation used by the Tech-Com soldiers in Terminator 2. I haven't seen any of these about...:unsure
A replica "gummy-bear" style handlink from Quantum Leap...with all the blinkies.

Ah, tis my Holy Grail, it tis...
