What movie set would you want in your backyard??

I have 6 acres of land but onto the question. I would have to go with anything post-apocolyptic because you can pretty much let your mind run wild.

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This wasn't my first thought, but since so many of the rest of you are "dreaming big" ... here goes: one of my all time favorite movie sets, Theoden's hall at Edoras in Rohan.


My first thought was on a much smaller scale - but is another of my favorite sets. This one I could see much more as an addition to a house, or a super-cool basement remodel. The library from Buffy.


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So many choices.... so I'll have to have (in no particular order) - Deckard's Appartment loved that since '82.
Bladerunner Interior.jpg

Gryffindor Common Room (this isn't my image but is the HP Studio Tour)
Gryffindor Common room.jpg

Flynn's Arcade (exterior and interior, so I'd have somewhere to put my Video Games!)

..and as much as think the Nostromo set is excellent, a Tennant TARDIS interior and I do mean complete!
This wasn't my first thought, but since so many of the rest of you are "dreaming big" ... here goes: one of my all time favorite movie sets, Theoden's hall at Edoras in Rohan.

I would love this, but not from the movie- from what I saw in my head when I read the books.
While the T-Rex paddock from Jurassic Park is an awesome top of the list idea...I'll have to go with the Dilophosaurus paddock.
Lower fences, more sparse vegetation and much more manageable in my opinion (plus cheaper).


Plus what you don't see behind the camera you can always steal from the T-Rex like the toilets for example.

You know what....it's 3-4 acres.....I'D DO BOTH!!!

- - - Updated - - -

While the T-Rex paddock from Jurassic Park is an awesome top of the list idea...I'll have to go with the Dilophosaurus paddock.
Lower fences, more sparse vegetation and much more manageable in my opinion (plus cheaper).


Plus what you don't see behind the camera you can always steal from the T-Rex like the toilets for example.

You know what....it's 3-4 acres.....I'D DO BOTH!!!
what about flynn's home in tron legacy, that was pretty sweet.

it would have to come with olivia wilde though!
The ewok village. My daughter would love those tree huts. When she is a bit older that is, she is just 1,5 years old now.

The black pearl, Tanis dig site ( with well of souls and map room) weapons factory from Van Helsing, or a monster hunters library.
JD, Pegasus Ponies - I don't understand.

Sorry 'bout that.

Earlier in the thread I wrote that I had to give up my dream of a 1:1 Nostromo interior after my daughter was born: she'd rather have a full-sized Cloudsdale with Pegasus Ponies.

Erm, not that funny when I look back at it... ;)

- JD
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