What is the best Yoda hair to use and what is the best stuff to attach it?

I would hate to you contact cement though how about spirit gum? Would that work?

NO. Spirit Gum will not work, it is not a glue. The original had Yak hair punched in it.

Excuse my ignorance, what is a "CKing" head made of?

If you are selling the piece and don't know how or what to use, I wouldn't. Let the customer do the hair and paint and eyes. I think you'll have a better time selling it if the customer has the option to finish it like they want.
I would buy a raw one, but I wouldn't buy one with spirit gummed fun fur on his head. See what I mean?

I've done a resin Yoda bust w/ hair, and used Liquitex Fluid Matte Medium to attach the hair. It dries clear, w/ a matte finish and really holds the hair on. Only caution I would add is make sure the last application is dry before you add the next strands.