What If?: Sky Captain vs The Flying Saucers

I thought Sky Captain was a cool movie. Sometimes movies just don't find an audience. Kind of like The Rocketeer. Although, Sky Captain isn't as good as The Rocketeer. I wish Dave Stevens was still around to do a Sky Captain comic.
Definately one of those that I wanted to love, but was just let down by the cliched story telling.

I did do a modified version of the ray gun prop though. Really liked the whole Buck Rogers vibe of it.
I'd heard that Raimi toyed with the idea of Ash vs The Flying Saucers after Army of Darkness. He'd wanted Ash to wake up in the cave and walk out into a world where there were crashed spaceships and humans being rounded up, chained together and marched off. Ash blows the head off of an alien and starts a revolution - but he went a couple of other ways before the studio was satisfied.
I loved Sky Captain. Enjoyed the characters and the story. It was a movie that was simply a lot of fun. A shame it didn't do well. It has its faults (hardly surprising for a first time director) but I'd take a trilogy of Sky Captain sequels over more Transformerrs movies any day.
Sky Captain REALLY frustrates me. It's such an awesome concept, with pitch perfect retro tone (I'm a sucker for classic serials of any genre) and nice design, but the story was so bland and by the numbers that all I remember is something about "landing on platform 327". It's way too good a concept to have been abandoned, but the film left me so cold I can't really champion it.
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