What glue do I use for Plexi?


Sr Member
So I use plastruct cement for gluing together styrene, and I use PVC cement for ... well, PVC. What about plexi? If I was to make a four-walled box out of plexi and I am not concerned with a polished edge finish (it will be mostly painted) what adhesive should I use?

I will be using bondo on the inside edged of the joints to smooth them out for painting (so it looks like one seamless piece) and can add support brackets to the joins on the outside of the box for the sake of stability.

What do you think I should use?


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what glue should I use for plexi?

I need to make a four sided box out of my plexi. It will be painted except for a few key areas and will be big. Like 19" x 15". The plexi is thin. I think 1/8" or 3/16".

I can put support brackets on the outside for added strength, and it will bee set in a frame for rigidity, but what type of adhesive should I use?
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Re: what glue should I use for plexi?

I use common Super Glue, and have never had a problem.

With a box that size, and "thin" plexi, I'd be worried about the sides bowing and sagging. You may want supports for them.
As MicDavis said. Weldon Use the thin set with a hypodermic needle bottle to glue the pieced in places then the thick to reinforce it. The thin will hold but it can break loose, the thick is there to stay.