What costumes are you working on?

i'm hoping to work on a comic version of spiderman this year. from the research i've done so far, it's going to be tough. but, hopefully a lot of fun with a great end result!

i also hope to do some upgrades to my biker scout costume.
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I just finished making some adjustments to my Resident Evil "Umbrella Biohazard" suit, including having my Nightmare Armor helmet repainted. Next, I want to make some adjustments to my Naboo Security Officer costume including re-doing the belt, adding a covertec clip for the gun, and I still need to find a Naboo Communicator out there somewhere.

After that, my next actual new costume goal is a custom idea based on a patch I found on ebay. It is a Battlestar patch (new version) but instead of saying Battlestar Gallactica, it says "Caprica City Police" and is in royal blue / yellow. I am going to try to put together basically a Duty Blue officers costume, except made out of a more "royal" blue, than navy, replace the shoulder suede and piping with yellow, replace the wings with a badge idea I am putting together, and adding a holster.
The Ol Darth Revan is my new project...


Last one I did was a remake Jason...

and a Freddy...
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ESB Boba Fett
Custom Wookie
Ritualist (from Guild Wars)

I think the most interesting costumes will be the Ithorian and the Wookie. The best show offs will hopefully be my Ritualist, and Fett. Only time will tell. I hope to get these all finish before Dragoncon :D
Working on a Big Daddy (Bouncer) from BioShock right now, also starting on my movie version Walter Kovacs and Rorschach costumes
After much thought, and lots of addiction, here's my full projects list for props and costumes as of today. :

I need to finish :

TDK Joker V2.0 : Still need tie, pants, coat, and suspenders. This will need to be an ongoing project due to cost. I'd realy like to have a new coat soon, but considering the cost...I expect this one to be about $400-$500 to complete. Which obviously isn't viable. So I'll need to to break this one up. Mabey the tie and suspenders this year, or the coat,etc.

Nurse Joker : Belt and pink trim, $15 to finish. And my mom to sew the trim, LOL. This should be a quick finish.

I want to work on/start :

TEOD Jodo Kast [HARD PARTS ONLY] : I've decided to scrap some of my existing peices and cut some new ones out. I only want to hafe to do the painting once, and considering my first paint isn't available anymore, I'd need to repaint evrything. So I'll just get some new sintra to work with. I'll use sintra, so the cost realy won't be a lot. But I'll need to draw up new templates, take time to cut the peices out, and mold them again. But the peices will be a lot more accurate, so I'll be a lot happier with it. So yes JK3, I'm saying this again, it'll be finished someday. I don't know when, but someday it will be. I don't want to buy any soft parts before the release of Celebration 5 info either. I don't want to grow to much and not fit them. So it's better if I put that off. So I'll just do hard parts for now. Depending on C5's location and time untill then will determine how fast this project goes.

Sandtrooper [4+ Year Project?] : I'd also like to have a Sandtrooper someday. So I thought about mabey picking up some peices here and there, and completing it over a few years work. A pauldron, a few pouches, the fabric belt and fabric shoulder straps this year mabey. I already have my helmet, so I at least don't need to worry about that. Just the suit, the armor, the MG-34, the boots, the neckseal, the TD peices, the pouches, the belt and straps, the pauldron, the pack...Oh crap. :wacko

Hasbro Modified E-11 and holster [For Sandtrooper, sometime...anytime] : Its just something I've always wanted sence I saw the resin conversion peices for the Hasbro blaster. So just sometime I'd like to get one of these. I have two Hasbro blasters, so I thought about doing the mods to one of 'em. I'd love to have a holster for it as well to wear (not cannon I know) with my Sandtrooper in 20 years. The cost would be the resin mod. kit, and the holster. But I've seen some nice holsters made for 'em for like $30, so its not that big of deal. So like $60 or so for evrything considering I've already got the blaster me thinks. I'll shop around untill I find something cheap. :lol Cheap isn't a word. :lol

And then there's just props I want. I think there will always be something someone wants, so I don't consider these "realistic goals", just say, in the next 10 years, if the world dosen't blow up and I'm not dead, I'd like to have this stuff, and cases or displays to put them in. :

Sideshow Hellboy 2 Samaritan W/LED bullets ($400?)
Sideshow Hellboy Right Arm of Doom($100-$200?)
I,Robot Detective Spooner's (yes, Spooner) Main Pistol
I,Robot Detective Spooner's (Spooner again, I know!) Back-up Pistol
Gears of War Amazon Lancer (About $125)
Gears of War Metal COG Tags ($10-$20)
Firefly Jayne's MP5SD5 (a lot....I'll never get this unless I start my own. Which I'd be afraid to do.)
Firefly Jaynes MP5K (Same goes for this, I don't have enough prop building skill to convert an airsoft)

Wow...Am I an adict or what. I just hope money starts to grow on trees...I also need to sell my SW collection. Which is over 250+ peices in total. :unsure
My current project is my ghostbusters proton pack, it's still in a pile-of-parts form, but the last few pieces I need to get started on the real work are in the mail. I'm rather excited!
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Well, my main costume I want to complete this year is going to be Obi-wan as a padawan from TPM. I mainly joined this forum because someone is going to be selling an amazing lightsaber from ep. 1 at some point and I want to get it. I'll probably do at least one outfit in a cheap material first to make sure I can get it to look the way I want, because the material I have my eye on for the outfit is very spendy. My goal is to make that outfit look tip-top.
Other than that, I want to do the Emperor, possibly a Senate Guard from ep. 1. My room mate wants me to make Cyclops because he's putting together a Wolverine.