What are your half-finished projects?

Jumpin Jax

Sr Member
This place is a mess, and nothing in it can be shoved into a closet because it seems like I'm working on everything at the same time.... I have a dozen projects all in some stage of development and I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. Here are a few of them:







What have you got on your desk, chairs, tables, floor, counters, ovens, kids and wife that isn't done? :) Let's see it.
PS, sorry about the large, pics, I'll figure it out someday.
I don't have pics but a Jango helmet that is about 75% done, 4 clone trooper helmets in various stages of completion, 2 clone rifles, a Boba helmet that I have hardley touched, bits of a tusken raider costume, a sandtrooper backpack, and on the way is a new Fett jetpack, Fett gauntlets, 2 more clone helmets, and a set of clone armor. I need to finnish some of this crap soon before I smash some of it.
<div class='quotetop'>(Jumpin Jax @ Jul 15 2006, 08:08 AM) [snapback]1281223[/snapback]</div>
I have a dozen projects all in some stage of development and I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere.[/b]
I know the feeling. :$

I have got my Stormtrooper rifle that I started on two years ago. I once almost finished it, but then decided to repaint it and make it into an ESB. When I ran out of paint half-way (used it for other projects), I found places to place putty.. and now it looks like a real mess.

Most of my uncompleted stuff is in boxes. Although I open the boxes almost every day...
Moonraker shuttle model
FMMF model
Some X-Wings
SS Poseidon model

I always have a list of stuff that is "On the bench"...

I have 2 OWK's, and 1 Elvis Trooper ROTJ Vader that need to be finished.

I have a graflex Conversion to EL or Luxeon or something.

I have a Rubies Helmet that I'd like to repaint and make a little bit nicer.

I have some batarangs and some throwing knives that I need to make also.

Just sitting here at my PC I see 6 Calico M950 castings there are eventually going to be turned into misc sci-fi guns, a couple of "V" pistol castings waiting to be touched up and finished, the makings for more Audrey 2's than I can count, some Trek agonizers, a pile of hellraisers cube panels that havent been assembled...
my kitchen table has become a workspace lol - it helps that I JUST cleaned it though so it doesn't look like a train wreck anymore....

1 half finished MIB Neuralizer (not screen accurate)
1 set custom mando armor (needs vest)
assorted paints and cutting utensils
15% completed "galaxy" from MIB
pvc and assorted "buttons" to make 2 small spare lightsabers
Pyro's Lighter (just need to GET a lighter...)

but most of my stuff is on the computer (paper props and research)

Ulic Qel Droma costume
Gen Grievous cape
Dead Man's Chest
Charlie's Angels 2 "halo" rings
smallville key
"ultraviolet" License plates

and while on the subject of my computer lol my FINISHED ones:
Van Helsing Map Piece
Maurauder's Map
MI2 voicechanger
Ultraviolet Phone
Alexander Corvenus stationary

I think that covers it....


wait. there's more.

santa clause bussiness card (how the **** am I gonna get font that small?)
MIB 2 napkin

and I think that's finally it...
weathered obi ANH saber
leia blaster..anh or rotj havent decided
graflex conversion with new t tracks from saber freak
greedo blaster just a few greeeblies needed
gaffi stic- need mace end

wow...didnt think I had so much.

should be fun though

You REALLY don´t want to see my pile of "PIB´s" and/or my workshop, do you? :lol

Clarification: PIB means ProjectsInBoxes ;)

I´ll take some pics tomorrow.

Anubis Spinner - taking soooooooooo looooonnnnggggggg
2 smaller spinners
Deckards sedan
PKD Mk1 (refurbish)
Unknown BR blaster
Terminator Phased plasma rifle
5th elemant police blaster
1/6 SAFS armoured suit

Too many props, too little time :p

:lol Great idea for a thread.

This pic certainly isn't everything I'm working on, just the stuff I could get on one table to snap a quick pic. These projects range from just starting to about 90% complete. Some of these are pulling together fairly quickly... others... not so much :confused However, they're all personal projects so I'm on nobody's time line but my own:

I don't have pictures.

My list

2 Jango Blasters, need paint.
1 gun rack to hold Sterlings,Fett blasters and others
Biker Scout belt
Jedi Remote
Royal Guard cloak
Clone bucket
Maul wrist link
O.k., here we go (and sorry for the mess. My workspace is very small and gets cluttered VERY fast :()

What you see sre a few pics of the stuff under my desctop, along with my "workshop", which is also my place to store all bits and parts. Open projects????.....naa, just a few blasters, lightsabers, costume parts etc.

What can you spot? :D










Thanks Wackychimp...

My vader costume, my stormtrooper costume, my vader saber, my stormtrooper blaster, and i wont get into the drawers of action figure parts from star wars and gi joe figures.
Got a request to see a better pic of the bust in the first post: It is a Harrison Ford 2nd or third (copy of the resulting positive) gen pull of a full head and shoulder bust made to create the Indiana Jones statue at Universal for the first Ride. I hear it was hard to get done, Harrison is a bit claustrophobic. I had a couple ideas of what to do with it, but as the thread goes, haven't gotten a

And yes, it's not a sculpt.
I've got an unpainted Nightmare on Elm Street 'Soul Pizza' Cast, a pair of Cyb's new Yoda hands to paint and add my my lifesize Yoda, Various Vader ANH components to create a new ANH chestox and belt, an unapinted Han in Carbonite head cast and 5 unfinished JAWS shark casts, from a sculpt I did earlier this year. :p
Don't get me started.... So much to do, so little time :cry

This is only the major stuff - there are still some sideprojects....


Currently started...not really half way finished, just started on it actually, a 1:6th scale Dropship pilot from Aliens.

Although I do have a 1:1 smartgunner headset from Aliens that's been sitting in a closet half done for 3 or 4 years now.

I really should get back to that.