War for the Planet of the Apes (Post-release)

Re: War for the Planet of the Apes

War for the Planet of the Apes | Final Trailer | 20th Century FOX - YouTube




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Re: War for the Planet of the Apes

I want to get down on one knee and ask that trailer to spend its life with me. So stoked. "Witness the End"? Of humanity? Or the trilogy? Do we know if a fourth is in the works?
Re: War for the Planet of the Apes

The poster alone has at least two references to the original film series (and not the first film). :thumbsup

I didn't think I could be any more excited for this movie, but this trailer has done it. I can't wait to see how this ends, and if they'll come full circle yet.
Re: War for the Planet of the Apes

Good gawd the horse in the poster with a massive 500lb gorilla on his back? Taken out of context that looks pretty silly.
Re: War for the Planet of the Apes

Early reviews are extremely solid.

I've been waiting for this for a long time, and it sounds as if it will all be worth it.
Re: War for the Planet of the Apes

Anyone know if any of the previous movies in the trilogy are being carried by any steraming service? I remember checking Netlix recently and I don't believe that they have it, but what about Amazon or Hulu?
Re: War for the Planet of the Apes

Sounds like some critics are calling for Andy Serkis to be nominated for an Academy Award for his portrayal of Caesar in this third installment, which I was just discussing with some coworkers the other day.

It it seems that people discount his acting abilities because he's so often portraying a character that gets highly digitally altered on screen...but after watching some behind the scenes features and watching the films, it's pretty clear that the guy's got some acting chops.

Any thoughts?
Re: War for the Planet of the Apes

Sounds like some critics are calling for Andy Serkis to be nominated for an Academy Award for his portrayal of Caesar in this third installment, which I was just discussing with some coworkers the other day.

It it seems that people discount his acting abilities because he's so often portraying a character that gets highly digitally altered on screen...but after watching some behind the scenes features and watching the films, it's pretty clear that the guy's got some acting chops.

Any thoughts?

Agreed, you can tell in all the behind the scenes clips that he puts everything into it. I'd like to see him get some well deserved recognition.
Re: War for the Planet of the Apes

The first two blurays were in the 7.88 bin at my local WalMart if anyone wants to get up to speed cheapish.
Re: War for the Planet of the Apes

I'm in a conundrum. I really want to see this at the midnight showing/preview on Thursday night, but my wife really wants to see it and she really doesn't like to stay up that late...

...my solution is to go see it alone on Thursday night if she doesn't want to go, then go see it again a few days later.

I REALLY want to see it as soon as possible.
This is a rebooted series that I was never really interested in, yet I went and saw each film...and boy, am I ever happy I made that choice! For me, I feel each installment has only gotten better. This one is an easy 8/10. Woody really delivers, and the CGI has only gotten better. I mean, I caught myself wondering where they got these great acting apes! I know they will easily get an Oscar nod for the special effects, but I sure hope Serkis walks away with some recognition.
Agree with MooCriket - though it feels a little rushed at times, most of the digital work is top notch, in particular Bad Ape and Maurice; a couple of scenes were truly stunning to watch
Agree with MooCriket - though it feels a little rushed at times, most of the digital work is top notch, in particular Bad Ape and Maurice; a couple of scenes were truly stunning to watch

Yup, and I don't know about you..but I didn't expect to be rooting for the apes.
For me, the parts were better than the whole. The first hour+ was very strong, but at a certain point (I'll be spoiler free) it slowed to a crawl and never quite got back up to speed (it's too long, needs trimming). Hated the deus ex machina climax. Solid acting throughout.

Very clever nods to the original series and also elements of The Bridge on the River Kwai as well as Apocalypse Now in the colonel character from the bald head on down to a renegade command.

Eye of the beholder.
I liked the movie alright but it wasn't the best of the three. It was long and there were a LOT of very slow parts. As already mentioned, the CGI work was incredible. Once the Colonel picked up the doll it was obvious what was going to happen. You would think that since he knows how the mutated virus is spread, he would have known better. Great nods to the original movie and I'm wondering if they'll continue with the return of the Icarus and her crew.
Breaks my nerdy heart to say it, but the new Planet of the Apes movie was a pretty major letdown. None of the emotional moments felt earned, and it was so overtly lathered in Biblical imagery Mother Theresa would have started rolling her eyes at it. A thing happened, then some more things, then it ended...Shame, as the first two were superb.
I was blown away by the CGI of the apes and in parts you could have sworn it must have been a man in a suit. After pondering for a few days, I feel a bit let down that so few apes had gotten around to talking. Was it 15 years since the outbreak and other than Ceasar and the (deceased Koba) no other ape was talking. Donkey ape did but that seemed only as a plot mover. Why couldn't Ceasars sons, who carried his genes talk? Bad Ape talked, but that again seemed a plot mover, as he wasn't exposed to the ALZ113 and only somehow got smart and learned to talk.
For me, the parts were better than the whole. The first hour+ was very strong, but at a certain point (I'll be spoiler free) it slowed to a crawl and never quite got back up to speed (it's too long, needs trimming). Hated the deus ex machina climax. Solid acting throughout.

Very clever nods to the original series and also elements of The Bridge on the River Kwai as well as Apocalypse Now in the colonel character from the bald head on down to a renegade command.

Thanks, Probe Droid, you've saved me several keystrokes. Just returned from the theater, and this is exactly what I was gonna post.

The only thing I'll add, is that I'm sick and tired of Woody Harrelson. I hope this is the last film I see him in for the next five years or so. Oh wait...