Wall-E Captains Manual

franz bolo

Sr Member
Does anyone have any pics or info on this book?

I have a few that I need to upload. I think this would be a cool project.
I'd love to have one!

I'm trying to figure out how the book is constructed.

It seems to change shape a bit. In some shots, the cover is really really wide, in others it's similar to the page size.

Also, red handle on the Fore-edge disappears when the book is opened. It might be thinner and attached to the cover when the book is opened. You definitely don't see it when the book opens. You can only see the pages.

I'll try to post more pics when I can.


Wow.. That would be awesome. I actually don't rememer much of how the book looked. Gotta watch it again I guess! :)
Do these help at all FB?
Book References
I'd love to have a go at making my own but I should really finish a few things before I start something new... can't think of the last time I actually finished something :p

It's hard to tell because of the quality (can't wait for the Blu-Ray version :)) but the red handle piece on the fore-edge doesn't seem to be the same as the handle on the spine, it looks more like it's just a detail piece attached to the front and back covers. You can kind of see how the two pieces don't connect here:
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