Vintage Space helmet building instructions


Well-Known Member
...but it's freaking awesome!

Like I said, it's not from a show or a movie, but I'm sure this article was inspired by stuff like Space patrol, etc and it could be something fun to build with your kids if you have any, or possibly modify the material list and make a more sturdy adult costume from these plans.
Re: Technically it's not a movie prop, but..

thats pretty cool. that stuff seems to be getting popular these days!
Re: Technically it's not a movie prop, but..

I've always liked this stuff, but I've never seen anything like this article. I usually find artwork, toys, and movie/TV stills. This was just too cool not to share it.
Re: Technically it's not a movie prop, but..

Dang, super detailed. I'd lose my mind tryin to figure that out in a kit version
Re: Technically it's not a movie prop, but..

Even if you do figure it out it would probably be prohibitively expensive. When I have some time I'm going to sit down with these prints and map out what I'd need to make the helmet.
Re: Technically it's not a movie prop, but..

Re: Retro, comicbook style Space Helmet (Lots of Pics)


Well, someone actually found the original source that OB10 sent me years ago to create my retro spaceman cosume.

When he fisrt sent this me about seven years ago, I had said we must do this. But after thinking it through, this could only work for a child in size and not so well for an adult, so I decided to go for the classic bubble helmet comicbook style helmet and planned for a retro spacesuit-

And helmet-

It all started from this article. LOL.
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Re: Technically it's not a movie prop, but..

That's weird...those links are just going to the rpf main page. So, you've seen this before?? I was searching images for space cadet, space patrol, etc. Looking for logo and font styles for a helmet I just finished when I found it. I know I've searched these terms before and I've never come across this article.

What was giving you problems as far as scaling the helmet for an adult? Or are you referring to other parts of the costume?
Re: Technically it's not a movie prop, but..

I had realized that the WWII helmet liner was made for an adult. It could work for a child but not for a full grown man, head movement would be limited to the movement of the body like Micheale Keaton's movement of the Batcowl In the first BATMAN movie. It would be too stiff and I didn't want that limitation.
Re: Technically it's not a movie prop, but..

Oh okay. I know what you're talking about now. The liners are a lot smaller than the actual steel pot helmets. I wonder how it would work if you used a steel pot and maybe built it up thicker with Bondo and vacformed over it and then added blocks inside to mount the liner. Then you would have to scale up everything else to match the new helmet size, but you would still have the benefit of an adjustable liner to keep it on your head.

Any chance you could email me a photo or two? or tell me the titles of those threads so I can find them?
Re: Technically it's not a movie prop, but..

Just finished checking out your posts. Those are brilliant! I've always wanted to make a bubble helmet, but all the spheres I've found before were either costly or cheap vac-formed junk. Or worse, they were half domes which meant a big obvious seam that had to be hidden. The ones you found are great. The seam is barely visible as a hairline shadow at worst. Thank you, sir :) I think you've inspired me to try my hand at building one (or five) for myself.
That is awesome, thanks for sharing!!!

I changed the thread title to make it more informative, since the title "Technically it´s not a movie prop, but..." could have been about anything under the sun.

RPF staff
bak55: HA! No doubt.

ManfromNaboo: Good idea. I should have known better. It's been a while since I've been on here. Thanks :)
I forgot to ask, what did you use to cut the neck hole? 6" sounds like it'd be a tight fit. Cutoff wheel and a Dremel? Did you have to tape the cut to keep it from chipping?
I forgot to ask, what did you use to cut the neck hole? 6" sounds like it'd be a tight fit. Cutoff wheel and a Dremel? Did you have to tape the cut to keep it from chipping?

Yeah, we can't do those cartoon tricks where a character can pop his noodle through a small opening.:lol

You named the right tool.:thumbsup No tape was needed. The acrylic is actually kind of flexable. I'm guessing to make it more impact resistant from vandales throwing rocks at it.
HA! Flexible is good. I've got some acrylic plate that's super flat and clear, but it's difficult to mill it without chipping it. I might have to get a slightly smaller dome and make me one of these while I'm at it: DSCN0913.JPG (image)
If I go with a 10-12" dome I could make one with the skull in it and a back light...kind of keeping in theme with the movie poster version. We have a nicely detailed resin human skull. It's not quite 1:1 scale for an adult. Maybe 80-85%.
Heh, that would be cool thing to have. Maybe have some of the backlight reflect onto the skull face, too, so it won't just be a silouette in a helmet?
yeah, that's what I meant. Maybe a couple LEDs around the frame facing in and angled and diffused to light the skull. OMG...I just remembered I have a small 3-4" resin skull. I bought it to make into a shift knob. Maybe if I can find a decent stuffed gorilla toy I can make a robot monster plush toy! if I could find one small enough I could use the bigger human skull and see if I can match the scale somewhere close to my Sideshow Little Big Heads Big Frankie doll. HA! That'd be awesome.