Vindicare Assassin (Warhammer 40k) - Need help


New Member
Hi there dear costume Pros.
Me and my Friend wants to play Warhammer 40 Charaktere on a comic Roleplay Convention here in Germany.

I want to go as an Vidicare Assassin and need your help to make it as cool as possible and as cheep as possible..

here what i want to look like:


So my Ideas so far:

Buy an cheap Overall or fear not to buy an sex-shop latex suit. (but i dont want some straneg holes on strange places)
maybe this one: RUKKA Outlast Overall Einteiler, schwarz, 79,95 € - Motorrad Sptznder Mnchen
then some Boots. I think about hightech, futuristic looking motorcycleboots like this one: :: ONEAL Element 3 Motocross Stiefel KIDS
and some Gloves?

For the Head i would buy or model an Cowl like this one:
and make the Visor and the Mask out of Fiberglass..

and add a red glass thingie into it.. so and here is another part where i need your advice.. how do i make the visor 1.) looking though and 2.) enlightened at the same time?
see here:
or at the masterle pictures (i think it was also he who build the crisis suit)

Therefor i am not that muscular i would make foam muscles under the overall/catsuit (or do you have a better looking idea?)
and the belt i would make out of leather..

the rifle..will make my friend out of an Nerf Logshot/ or longstrike:

OR just simple ones like this: Black Super Hero Boots
and then Gloves like this:

OR do you mean this one would be better?
DealExtreme: $52.00 Motorcycle Body Protection Riding Armor Suit (L/180cm)

My Friend sad that maybe for an costume my idea would be too simple and there a more details needed.. so he said maybe i should build an interpretation of the costume form the first picture so that it looks more like the suit from crisis: Heroes/Finished/crysis--article_image.jpg

Need your Advice, tricks and help. Thanks