Viking Helmet - First build


New Member
I started work on a How to Train Your Dragon inspired viking helmet; it's not technically a replica, I hope that's okay.
I wanted to post my progress on The RPF because without The RPF I wouldn't have the confidence or the know-how to build this :cheers Thanks

On with the build!

The inspiration for the design is a mix of
Ruffnut and Tuffnut from HTTYD and Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty

I started by modeling the helmet on the computer in 3D.


I flatened the shapes, sized them in Photoshop and then printed and cut them out.


Next I traced them onto cardboard and assembled the pieces pepakura style.




Then i cut strips for the metal bands and attached the horns.


This is the current state of the build, I'm still trying to get the horns positioned where I want them before i move to resin.
That's a great idea. I've been wondering what I could use for the bolts; can I just glue them to the bondo? will that hold?
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