Done / Completed VERA KIT, (RUN IS DONE!)

re: VERA KIT, (Firefly & Showtime)

OK, let's bring this to the top. I'm not going to say too much YET but look for some major steps forward in the next couple of weeks on this!
re: VERA KIT, (Firefly & Showtime)

Almost as excited to see the updates as I am to purchase one when the kit is ready.

re: VERA KIT, (Firefly & Showtime)

Printing of the master pattern has begun! It's going to take a few weeks (at least)to finish but we are now officially in "this is gonna happen gorramit" territory.
re: VERA KIT, (Firefly & Showtime)

I have to have this gun, please let me know what i can do to garuntee i get one !! i will pay a deposit if necessary !
re: VERA KIT, (Firefly & Showtime)

I will have some "raw" photos up soon. I just printed one of the most difficult parts- the stock.
Re: VERA KIT, (Firefly & Showtime)

Printing of the master is almost complete and is going better than expected. Pics soon... I promise- don't want to loose my momentum! The more I work on this kit, the more I fiddle with it. I can't count the number of small changes I've made- right down to adding details like bevels that were caused by the machining bits on the original parts. And since this project (along with the Lawgiver perhaps) are those of mine that have garnered the most attention, I guess this "Alice 2.0" deserves a standalone thread. Look for a "proper" discussion thread in the props section in the next day or so. Until then, I leave you with this little sneak peak at a part that I wasn't initially planning on modeling (since it's available in cheap replica form already and not really part of the base rifle...):

Re: VERA KIT, (Firefly & Showtime)

Ok, here are a couple shots... note that these parts are RAW off the printer and mostly unassembled, but you can see a lot of the detail. They still have support material (keeps them from warping on the print bed) and other artifacts from printing. Some of them will also be reprinted because I'm not satisfied with a couple things... and there are a few parts still not there (like the barrel folding lock).

Re: VERA KIT, (Firefly & Showtime)

So when are you going to show us some photos to get us excited about this project????

Damn! This is gonna be great!!!!
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