Value of real MG34 and MG15??


Well-Known Member
Need some honest opinions here on values of two of my big guns.
MG15 and my MG34.
I am thinking the 34 about 3K and the 15 around 6K??
Thoughts, opinions and suggestions appreciated.
Would probably be a good idea to look around on some gun dealer/collector sites.
I couldn't give you a price but things like year of issue and condition can make a huge difference to value.
So looking around for sales or recent prices realised for guns matching model,year and conditition would give the best idea.
I know there's a few people here who are serious about their firearms but i'm sure a litle more info would be needed to give a realistic estimate.
When you say real... are you saying like real functional firearms? Or like... a demilled show piece made from real parts?
Your prices are a bit high... I've been doing some seroius shopping around looking to pick up an MG15 or 34 recently and here is what I can tell you:

The MG34's I saw several MG 34 parts kits (no dummy receiver) this weekend at a big gun show for $650. Add on the Dummy receiver to build it on and you might be looking at around $800.

The MG15 is about the same. Although it seems like a less common gun there appear to be fewer people looking to purchase one. I know where I can go buy multiples of the MG15 WITH dummy receivers for $800 and I saw one of them sell last week for a little less than $600 and it was in really nice shape.

I forget if you have the Doppeltrommel but those are all over the place for just around $300. The show I was at this weekend had one dealer that had aan entire box of those in like new condition for $250 I think. Might have been $295 but I can't remember clearly. There were multiple guys with them...

I think with the guns "readily" available at those prices you would have to come in under that in order to move them.

If they are in fact fully functional "class III" firearms their values are significant'y more. There were examples of each at the show that were that level but I'm pretty sure yours are "dummy guns" if I remember them correctly.

Hope that helps.
I've seen complete demilled MG-34's online for $2200-2500.
IMA currently has MG-15's complete for $1500 (includes bipod, buttstock, saddle drum).
I think his is the real deal. I can't remember how much my MG-34 was with the dummy receiver, but it was under a grand. I was gonna guess the real deal would be around 1500.
The MG 15's are harder to find than the MG34's but they are currently not hard to come by.

The $1500 MG15s on IMA actually include a lot of extra stuff that I don't believe yours has. They have a butt stock, barrel jacket bracket, sight parts, bipod and the doppeltrommel magazine. The magazine, as I mentioned earlier, you can get for $295 instead of the $500 or $600 that IMA offers them for.

IMA lists the plain MG15 for $800.
I was wondering this exact thing as of late considering I too have a real IMA MG34 with dummy receiver. I've shopped around seeing them for the 2-3k range. I guess locally as MrSparke has mentioned they can be had cheaper, but online enmasse it seems to be a minimum of 2k for a MG34.
Wow... dummy MG-34's have gone up! I think I got mine, about 5 years ago for around $850 and the dummy MG-15 for about $900... but as has been mentioned, I thought Lordsandy's pieces were the real deal and not just dummy guns.
but as has been mentioned, I thought Lordsandy's pieces were the real deal and not just dummy guns.

If they're the real deal (as in live firing machine guns) then he's asking the wrong forum about prices. I don't think too many people around here have a Class III firearm permit.
Dummy guns are still real, just deactivated and rebuilt using replica receivers.
If they're the real deal (as in live firing machine guns) then he's asking the wrong forum about prices. I don't think too many people around here have a Class III firearm permit.
Dummy guns are still real, just deactivated and rebuilt using replica receivers.

Not sure anout the MG15 but a real working 34 is close to 20k if full auto.
Semi auto are about 3k
Dude, you had ALL the cool stuff. I'm surprised you didn't have a real Rexim. Did you? :lol
I was wondering this exact thing as of late considering I too have a real IMA MG34 with dummy receiver. I've shopped around seeing them for the 2-3k range. I guess locally as MrSparke has mentioned they can be had cheaper, but online enmasse it seems to be a minimum of 2k for a MG34.

I would post a link but I'm new here so I didn't know if that's allowed.
Looks like IMA has a single, complete, demilled MG34 for sale at the moment for $2995. This is way more than I bought mine from them (about $450-75 if I remember correctly) about 8-10 years ago. Mine was what they called a "parts kit" at the time. It was complete but completely disassembled and demilled. I put it back together as much as I could but the reciver is torch cut into 3 peices so can't fully reassemble it. I should have gotten a dummy reciever to go with it. 2-3k, I would have to assume that Lordsandy's is demilled as well given what IMA is asking for theirs. Although, 20k sounds a little steep even if it is fully functional.