Vader with two sabers in ROTJ?

Tuskin Scout

Well-Known Member
I imagine that this has already been discussed at some point but I noticed this some time ago and was curious if any one has given it much thought other than it just being a goof on the part of the special effects department.

The scene where this happens is on the Death Star when Luke and Vader are having it out and Vader says to Luke "...twin sister, so you have a twin sister..." You can see that Vader is holding his (unlit) saber in his left hand but ILM painted in the lit saber as if it were in his right hand.

Just thought that it was a funny goof.
Actually it's Luke's saber he is holding.
When Luke screams out "never!!!", he force pulls it out of Vader's hand.

No prob.
Here's a more in-depth explanation if interested.

In an early script (and also the final novelization), earlier in the scene where Vader is looking for Luke under the throne room, Luke rolls his saber on the ground towards Vader, surrendering it to him and refusing to fight.
One version of that script says Vader then collects it and hooks it onto his belt.
Another version of it has "hooks it onto his belt" crossed out in the script.

I'm betting it's because Vader (due to the limitations of the costume) could not hook luke's saber to his belt without a million takes and looking awkward, so they just had him hold it in his hand. This is what was filmed, and is also what made it into the movie.

In the film, it was decided to not show Luke surrendering his saber (probably because it would lessen the impact of when he does it in front of the emperor), however they still used the footage of Vader holding Luke's saber.

They probably thought that no one would notice Vader was holding it, and figured they would leave the audience under the impression that Luke never surrendered it in the first place.

So you have two choices.

1. Pretend that Vader isn't holding Luke's saber (even though you can clearly see it) and that Luke never lost possession of it. This is probably what Marquand/Lucas wanted the audience to think.


2. Assume that Luke surrendered his saber to Vader (or dropped it when he fell off the scaffolding) and then used the force to snatch it out of his hand when he attacks him.

I prefer #2 because it is in the actual novelization, and also because I can't unsee Vader holding it in the film.

In all these years, I honestly never saw Vader holding it. I thought Luke still had it in his hand and fired it up after the "Sister!" lines.

Learn something new every day..... :lol
I thought Luke lost his saber when he fell down (the "there is no conflict" scene where Vader throws his saber at him), and then Vader picked it up.
I think they also cut the part where Vader says, after Luke tossed the saber down, "Clumsy boy! You KNOW what these cost to make!! How DARE you throw something so important to the Jedi....uh, I mean "Yes boy, toss that crappy Jedi POS!!! Sith sabers are better! They can cut through a soda can yet still slice a tomato in to paper thin slices! But wait, there's MORE!!"