Vader helmet mod


Well-Known Member
Ok Ive just recieved this Vader helmet, Its not the best casting ever but with a bit of TLC I should be able to fix any imperfections, (I hope)
Now the thing is my knowladge on Vader is minimal at best
So can any of you Vader experts can IDit itd be a help ,

The helmet is bloody masive, also the picsa are bad but il get some cleaner ones soon,
For some reson the it has had the dome epoxyed on to the mask so it will be a bit of a pain to seperate it ,
Its made of fiber glass, and on the top of the dome it has the raised half circle ,
So the jango helmet is there to give a visual size refrence.
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Re: Vader helmet ID HELP

Maybe a DP deluxe recast? There doesn't appear to be much mouth droop though, so I'm unsure.
Re: Vader helmet ID HELP

oK I dremaeled the filler that was holdig the dome to the mask ,
Ive been looking at heaps of difrent Vader castings and its hard for me to see any majour difrentces
Re: Vader helmet ID HELP

Honestly... judging by the droop, neck flare and nose (four ridges rather than three)... plus the mounting system and wide dome ridge, I'd say it's a recast of a Rubies Supreme. They would have had to re-work the eyes, nose and it looks like they made an attempt with the dome ridge.
Re: Vader helmet ID HELP

I really dont think there was much reworking going on,
I think they just poured ruber over a helmet and made an FG casting
Re: Vader helmet ID HELP

Actually, upon closer inspection I think Darthgordon's correct - a FG recast of a Rubies.
Re: Vader helmet ID HELP

Yep... took another look. It's definitely a Rubies... and no, I believe you are right, they didn't rework anything.
Re: Vader helmet ID HELP

Cool rubies are the best hay? JK

It only cost me like 20 or so bux so Im not that fussed.
I have never done a Vader before so itl be a fun prodject to work on

Thanks for the help
Re: Vader helmet ID HELP

Whats ther (dare I say the word on a rubies but) Linage to the real ones and if there is any to which one ,
Re: Vader helmet ID HELP

I don't think it's ever been confirmed, but it appears that Rubies got the molds from Don Post. The DP was cast from the actual ESB helmet molds. During DP's run, the molds had become warped... the higher number helmet you had, the pronounced the mouth droop. By the time Rubies got them, they were a mess. Of course, being Rubies, they never made any attempt to repair or resculpt. I mean, as it was, they were marketing a mask they were calling the RotS version, based on really bad/ old ESB molds.

But that means they can still get away with saying that it was "cast from the original Lucasfilm molds."

20 bucks though is far better than the 100 that Rubies wants for it.
Re: Vader helmet ID HELP

I just cant get over how big it is , Ive seen a Don post b4 and it didnt see this big,
Mabey Im just remembering wrong
Re: Vader helmet ID HELP

I thinks its a tall tale that the Don Post helmet source back to an ESB or any other production helmet. There may be ESB traits on the face mask but the dome is 100% RotJ style. More like they were given a tour helmet to mold.

This one pictured here is just a Rubies Supreme recast. No real rework. Easily recognizable and no real connection to screen helmets, imo - it's too far removed to be considered accurate.
Re: Vader helmet ID HELP

In what parts of the helmet should I resculpt on it to make it a nicer peice,
I dont intent to go to nuts on it but I wouldnt mind doing a bit onf work to improve it ,,
Re: Vader helmet ID HELP

In my mind it would be a waste to try to make it accurate. Too much is wrong with it. However, you can do some simple mods at the eye sockets, nose bridge and bottom teeth corners - perhaps try to correct the neck flare on the one side... but other than that, if you want to go accurate, you need to cut it to pieces and glue it back together at the right proportions.

Really hope you didn't pay much money for this.
Re: Vader helmet ID HELP

I enjoy a challenge , How ever not being a Vader nut , I dont think Ill ever get it spot on but il see how it goes ,,
Is there any were I can find the correct mesurments and angles ,,and yes I have used the search feature
Re: Vader helmet Revamp

I started working on the "fix up" on this when my computer was down so I could'nt access any pics , so I was just cuting and molding were ever I thought looked good , any I got carried away and decided just to do a "custom" take on it, As TMG said it isnt really worth going for acuracy with this POS , Any way Im going to keep going on these lines and see how it turns out
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