Vader boots for short guys

I know. NO! Frankenvaders, but when you are only 5'7" you have to get up in the air somehow. I have 3" lifts on the inside. I added two 3/4" heels on and used rubber belt material that I got from a friend for the soles. I bought the boots on fleabay for .20 cents that's right .20 cents. size 13 so the 3" lifts would fit inside along with my foot. The heels I paid $1.50 each. For a grand total of $6.20 They get me up to 6'2" and with the dome I am about 6'6" tall.

Hm, didn´t the inlays lift you up enough ? If you are 5´7´´ then you should end up at 6´ without helmet, and the helmet should add another 4´´ so that should be tall enough, shouldn´t it ?

I say go and do what they did on the Hayden Christensen suit and conceal those lifts. Honestly, what you did to the boots looks ridiculous :confused It won´t help pulling off a nice Vader-appearance, but rather distract from a possibly great looking costume.
It´s with girls and women who try to pull off a Slave Leia without having the proper figure for it. Or me trying to be a Spartan :lol

Good craftsmanship on the boots, though. Convert them to something a soldier of the KISS-army would be proud of ! ;)

Park Vader send me an PM with your email. I will show you the trick that the Holywood star does to increase their hight. Will send you some photos.

This way you get taller without it looking like a platform boot.
I just use 3 inch inner boot lifts and regular boots.

3 inches of the lifts + 1 inch of the boot itself + 4 inches from the top of my head to the top of the helmet dome = 5.8 barefoot to 6.4 Darth Vader.
Park Vader send me an PM with your email. I will show you the trick that the Holywood star does to increase their hight. Will send you some photos.

This way you get taller without it looking like a platform boot.

Mind sharing with me too?:)