Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - NEW SUIT DONE Pics on p.17

Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

Epic, pure and simple :thumbsup <grabs popcorn> It's always a treat to read your updates.
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

I love seeing all this progress and wish I was there helping out. You do EPIC work and can't wait to see more..
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

I have read the whole thread and it's amazing, sorry if you've already said , but how many suits in total are you making? I take it you're aiming for an event
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

Brilliant. Seems the guardsmen will be a better choice for us shorter people :p
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

Will you be selling any helmets in the Junkyard?
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

Badass. Can't wait to see the guardsmen
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

OMG. Just epically cool. I wish I could pull off that kinda work. Or failing that, buy some. LOL.
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

Thank you for the kind words, folks. A few specific responses: many suits in total are you making? I take it you're aiming for an event

I am aiming for an event and I'm making as many suits as I can in the timeframe I have. The problem is that my supplier discontinued the ABS plastic sheet in the thickness I'm using, so I've had them call in every sheet they've got in stock in every one of their stores in the state just so I can finish this build. I may end up having to switch to styrene at some point if I've got time to make more than four of these guys.

Will you be selling any helmets in the Junkyard?

I won't be selling them in the Junkyard. If you'd like more details, shoot me a PM.


Here's the molds for the rubber bits inside the knees and elbows:

Here's the knee mold with the black mask-making latex poured in:

Here I am draining all of the excess latex from the elbow mold back into the bucket for future use:

These parts will get two pours and then I'll pull them. So I should have the first set tomorrow.

Moving on, I've made my first frag grenade body:

This is just a piece of 3" ABS drain pipe cut about 6" long and an ABS coupler cut into little blocks and shaped on the belt sander to make the pineapple nubs. I still need to prototype some caps for the top and bottom, but at least I'm off to a good start:

Last night we were also able to focus for a bit on the bolter parts:

I'm not sure what we were thinking by making the foregrip one big piece. Next time I'll split it in half down the middle so it won't be such a deep pull. Still, the first pull looks the part:

It also weighs practically nothing.

Finally, I've got Lopez (my cantankerous carving machine) making one of these:

Stay tuned for more updates....
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

Ridiculously AWESOME! this build just gets more epic each time I view it
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

Did you decide if the hand would grip the weapons or are they going to be "fixed" to the glove in some way ?
Even though they are light, being vacformed, the size of them is still going to put some stredd on the hand/ arm to hold them up.
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

What are you going to use the CNC Aquila for?
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor

Hey there! I have been doing research to make a set of armour like you are and I stumbled over your website. I was really pleased to see that you had had a crack at it already. This site is a really great resource and I have had a bunch of question amrks taken away already just reading here.. If it is okay, I am still in the design phase and I have a ton of questions. I try not to bombard you with them all at once but I a rather excited.

Did you use the Pep Designer or simply the Viewer software? Did you need to resize?

Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

I've made smaller Aquilas for the sides of the bolter. I've also got some winged skull details, but I'll probably have to re-sculpt those in a larger scale. The big aquila (it's going to be about 30" wide) will be vacformed a couple of times and used as a topper for the banner. I'll probably also incorporate it into the display for these guys when I build that.

For this project I used Pepakura Designer 3. The registration fee is cheap enough you might as well pay for it even if only to encourage Tamasoft to keep offering it. These files were not resized at all.

In other news, here's the first rubber elbow insert being test-fitted:

I also made some forms for the lower vents on the backpack. I keep forgetting to take pictures of the forming bucks, but here's the first set of vents installed:

Here I am trying it on:

I still need to attach the ball vents at the top.

While I was working on the backpack, Matt was working on the bolter. Here it is actually glued together instead of just knocked together with tape and magnets:

When he went to fit the magazine in place, we discovered that it's about 1/8" too long from front to back. We'll need to adjust the forming buck for that one. Oops.

Today I'm going to be cleaning up helmet castings, making up more bolter details, and making forming bucks for the inside of the vent cutouts on the back of the backpack.

Stay tuned...
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Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

That joint for the elbow is a work of art. EDITTED FOR STUPIDITY.

I was also wondering what you intended to do for the hands. Like most of the scale suits of I have looked at, you seem to have fix-cast, non-functional hands. While that may be the only way to go (unless you have more than the normal 98% genetic material in common with chimpanzees that most humans do giving you really long arms) have you thought how you might work around this? I don't see how...
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Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor

I just realized I never answered this question. I printed the pep models in their default scales. They come out full-sized that way. If you need to make a suit that fits you, you're going to have to re-scale them.

Hopefully this helps.

Oops. Sorry Thorssoli for making you repeat yourself.
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

It's been a really long day.

I made one of these:

More to come. Stay tuned...
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