Unknown Honeydukes Candies


Sr Member
Does anyone know what candies (in the red circles) are from Honeydukes. I have never seen them before.

Far right is the edge of the "Glacial Snow Flakes". I thought I had a good picture of them, but I can't find it.

The top is the Shock-O-Choc


That's a great pic. Where are on earth did you get such detail?

Your pic now has me interested in what the white packages to the left of the Chock o Shocks are in the round containers. And the other box in my picture, what looks to be Chasm Chocolate? is still unidentified.
I read that as Charm Choc.


I just found the pictures of the Glacial Snow Flakes.
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Thanks for the pics Kevin. Those high rez images of the Shock-O-Chock are great. I just need some good images of the Black Pepper Imps and Exploding Bon Bons now.
I have done the exploding bon-bons.
I haven't found sufficient reference for either the imps or the spiders though.
I have two upClose reference pics of the Lick' o Rish Spiders if you would be willing to trade for the exploding bon bons? PM me.
I started a "show off" thread here months ago to show my reference and the completed item. Search is your friend.

Which is not to say that I don't want to see your references! ;)
If you are referring to the paper prop thread, those pictures are no longer showing up, but I will send you the spindel spiders pics.
In the picture you posted, what are the mints in the white box next to the Shock-o-Choc?

I also noticed a white box with an orange label in the deleted scene of the Prisoner of Azkaban. Does anyone know what that is? Black Pepper Imps perhaps, since Ron tells Harry not to eat them, but Harry does and cries out in pain.
The Shock-0-Choc appears to be a commercially available box that has had stickers applied. There's even an elliptical gold sticker in the corner covering something up. Does anybody recognise the box? It's pretty distinctive.

My first thought was something from Thorntons, a large UK chain of confectioners. However, I can't find anything on their website that's even close.
The Shock-0-Choc appears to be a commercially available box that has had stickers applied. There's even an elliptical gold sticker in the corner covering something up. Does anybody recognise the box? It's pretty distinctive.

My first thought was something from Thorntons, a large UK chain of confectioners. However, I can't find anything on their website that's even close.

Possibly from an import company?
Do you know what type of mints box is beside the shock o chock box picture that you submitted? The white ones that have the letter --INTERING MINTS. They are in a circular box.
Here is the screenshot from the game, which by the way is hard to play and capture any screenshots. I can't get through the first part nor know how to use the controller. You can see a little of the detail and color of the lettering on the Spindle Spiders. There is also a bottle beside it that I have never seen before.

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