Underworld Cleaners Gas Mask ?


Active Member
Been looking for the model of the Cleaners from the new Underworld and I want some feedback is this

the same as this

Help me out, I think they look the same but then again it could be the lack of sleep. :confused

Rudy G.
It's hard to tell from the angles, but the top mask, the visor looks taller to me, and more squared on the sides.

The filters looks close, but the shape doesn't look exact to me either. The top mask the filters seem rounded, and less oval shaped, but again, the angle.

Originally posted by Noeland@Feb 1 2006, 05:00 AM
The filters looks close, but the shape doesn't look exact to me either. The top mask the filters seem rounded, and less oval shaped, but again, the angle

filters on those masks are replacable......so the fact they dont match doesnt make a difference,

they both have the circular vents on the nose area. the middle section between the filters is the same on both,
they look the same to me, if its not its probably an older or different model by the same maker. with slight changes, but id say its the right one,