UK Prop Party - confirmed 19th 20th November

Supa troop

Sr Member
A few years ago i organised a couple of Prop Parties that were very successful the first one was at a Theme Park and the second was held at a Space Museum.

Id like to try and organise another one for later in the year.

for years ive read and seen some terrific threads from talented UK prop Makers, Sculpters and the like and i think an RPF UK Prop Party is Long Overdue.

If anyone is interested and would like to show their talents then il set about organising the venue, maybe get some star signers in and have a real good RPF UK event.

Im thinking roughly end of the summer in the Midlands area ........... as that would be central for most of the UK.

so if your a Sculpter, Prop Builder, Costume Maker what better place to show your talents and meet fellow UK RPF members

come on guys lets do this ..................... :thumbsup
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Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

I'm in, Birmingham is my third home :lol
Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

Sounds like a great idea to do again. Always have great respect for those that organise gatherings like these for others. I would also be very interested, Birmingham is only a pop from Cardiff. I need to develop a network.
Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

sounds good, be nice to meet up with some of you guys again, its been too long
Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

I'd be interested and bring some stuff along to display ;)

also from Birmingham :)
Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

I'm in!

Just south of brum! So glad your organising a uk prop party!:)
Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

This Looks like it could work guys, thanks for the interest shown so far.

What i need to know from those of you showing interest, would it be to display or just to come and view and meet fellow RPFers.

I will start to look for a good Venue and then update this thread as and when things start to take shape.

if anyone has any ideas or things they would like to see happen either shoot me a pm or post here.

dont forget to let me know "do you plan to display or just view" it would be great if we could get a whole range of Movie Props from all movie genres.

could someone please confirm this will be the first UK RPF Prop Party

we could even invite AA to do a Q&A now that would be interesting
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Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

I'd like to do a display. I can shoot you a pm of what I can bring if that would be useful :)
Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

I would like to come, but I have no talents to show off.:cry

I could look at everyone elses talents though.

Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

sounds like this could be a goer!!! I'll be there, dont have much in the way of large props to show off though...
Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

Midlands is not ideal for me but at least it's the right side of the Atlantic! I'd hope to get along. Not sure if I'd have much to show. Maybe a contest could be organised to coincide with it? That way everyone could have something to show.