Two-piece hammer-on rivets


Well-Known Member
I hate these things because they never look good when I put them in, but I'm sure that the problem is with me, and not the rivets. Every time I try they end up bent, crooked and sloppy looking, and they usually fall right back out again anyway. Often the caps end up broken, too. :angry

I have a good sized bag of them and I don't want them to go to waste (plus they'd make my current project /much/ easier), so I'm hoping that the rivets and I can come to an understanding.

Does anybody have any advice for getting them in neatly?
Take a gripper/pincer/whatever you call it, and press the rivet pieces together, instead of hammering them in. in addtion, you might want to try and lay a piece of leather on top of the rivet, so you don´t get the grippers teeth marks on the rivet.

Make sure that the hole in the leather is large enough to fit the diameter of the lower section of the rivet.


Originally posted by Phayze@Mar 10 2006, 01:49 PM
I hate these things because they never look good when I put them in, but I'm sure that the problem is with me, and not the rivets.  Every time I try they end up bent, crooked and sloppy looking, and they usually fall right back out again anyway.  Often the caps end up broken, too.  :angry

I have a good sized bag of them and I don't want them to go to waste (plus they'd make my current project /much/ easier), so I'm hoping that the rivets and I can come to an understanding.

Does anybody have any advice for getting them in neatly?
Two things I could think of:
Are you using the correct setting tool?
Are you using the correct length rivet for your material? Too long and it will bend over. Too short and they will come apart.
Thanks for the tips, guys.

Originally posted by Manfromnaboo
Two things I could think of:
Are you using the correct setting tool?
Are you using the correct length rivet for your material? Too long and it will bend over. Too short and they will come apart.

Yeah, I have had some problems with the length on my earliest experiments with them, but I think I'm getting better at working that out.

I did make it a point to get the recommended tools from Tandy Leather when I bought the rivets, so I don't think it's that.
I had huge problems when I first started riveting's what I find works the best for me:

I use a mini anvil (about $4), a riveting tool, and a rubber mallet. If my material isn't thick enough I cut an extra piece (kinda like adding a fabric "washer") so the rivet doesn't bend over to the side. I set everything on a concrete surface and use a rather gentle pounding technique (they seem to just get wonky when I try to smash them in or use a metal hammer). I get incredibly consistent rivets this way....hope it helps. :D
Something that worked for me was to polish the face of an old cheap hammer so it was flat and shiny. I then used a heavy piece of wood to tap it onto the rivet, which was on an anvil or a really solid part of the bench. It ended up with a flat and shiny face to the rivet. Had to make sure the blow went straight on or it was pront to bending over.
I always use a metal burr/washer on the back side. Even when it goes together nicely, the back piece bends under any kind of stress (armor).
Thanks for the advice everyone.

I tried using vice-grips to sqeeze the little buggers into place, and it worked great. I did have to make some spacers out of left over material in a few places where things got thin, but it's all coming along nicely now.

The goal of project is to make a pair of knee-high boots by glueing/riveting a vinyl upper to an old pair of converse all-stars ("sacrelige.", I know ;)). My left boot is almost done, and should look pretty good after a little bit of size adjusting. If fortune smiles, I'll have them both finished in another week.

Thanks again.