true credential id of Eliot Ness


Sr Member
Hi guys

just for the fun here the pic for the réplica id card of Eliot Ness
based on the true card, with the real pic and signature of E.Ness


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thank you guys

other version with the pic of Kevin Costner soon.. and here the file


the true size in Fench it's 7,5cm/ 11,8cm

for the members interested print on paper ivory ( no white )

all the bests guys

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thank you

just little problems with the modifications of pic Ness
not easy.

I work the backside of the credential card but big work...soon also

Here is a copy of the actual, original Eliot Ness ID. The upper photo is mine, a friend who is a fed got it from the US National Archives. I promised I would not reproduce it 1:1 so here it is resized, but mine is taken from the original. The lower photo is the actual ID set picture used on the Treasury website. Sorry I could not provide a sharper, 1:1 image for you but a promise is a promise.

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Here is a copy of the actual, original Eliot Ness ID. The upper photo is mine, a friend who is a fed got it from the US National Archives. I promised I would not reproduce it 1:1 so here it is resized, but mine is taken from the original. The lower photo is the actual ID set picture used on the Treasury website. Sorry I could not provide a sharper, 1:1 image for you but a promise is a promise.

Interesting stuff. Is the bottom a tri-fold card, or is it simply showing the front of a double fold card ?
I remember a friend found the same image a little larger and I produced a pasted card folding ID from it.
Nice one Gary, thats a great looking historic set! Kenny, I think its just a bi-fold credential set in a folio, showing the cover in the small pic.

Here is a copy of the actual, original Eliot Ness ID. The upper photo is mine, a friend who is a fed got it from the US National Archives. I promised I would not reproduce it 1:1 so here it is resized, but mine is taken from the original. The lower photo is the actual ID set picture used on the Treasury website. Sorry I could not provide a sharper, 1:1 image for you but a promise is a promise.
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here the back credential réplica Ness card.

the true id it's not inside the wallet E. Ness used 2 models.


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Found a possible area for improvement on the ID replica that is posted here. The word "ENFORCE" is hyphenated on the real card, but on the replica it is hyphenated without a line break. Looks like an easy fix. Here is a pic. The left side is taken from my card, and the one on the right is the one posted on this thread.

These things happen, all easily fixed. it's nice work Caplan :thumbsup

Here's one I did a while back. I took the very lazy option of just blowing up a photo and printing that :lol I guess I could say it looks "aged".
The exterior is fairly simple, the crest especially is cobbled together and very simplified



And real US Marshals creds (from a photo on their website). And a template I did ages ago.

