Tron deluxe ID disc in Canada? Not!


Well-Known Member
I guess I have to order one somehow through the US. I half expected to walk into Toys r Us here to pick up a deluxe identity disc, but it does not appear to be available in Canada. WTF.

Getting flashbacks of Star Wars toys now, where most of the good/neat stuff was never made available in Canada.

Weird stuff. I was just talking to my wife yesterday, she is from Ontario, about this sorta stuff. My thing was that I am surprised heinz doesn't have a bigger market here(socal).
I just sent out an email to Spin Master, asking why there's no availability here. Spin Master's main headquarters are here in Toronto, so it is not like it is a US company that is limiting items to where they reside.

I know there's ways of getting it over the border to here, but not through typical avenues such as Toys r Us in the States, as they won't ship to here. Just thought it easier to have been able to walk into toy store here and physically walk out with one! :rolleyes

Does Canada have any weird laws about "replica weapons"? That's the only reason I can think of as to why they'd limit the release, but I don't think it applies in this situation. The ID disc is as much of a "weapon" as a lightsaber is.
Other countries have it as well. I wonder if there was something in it that canada did not like it. They might have found it to be a "unsafe toy" or they just wanted to screw the us once again.

I have given up waiting for them to come to canada and have some friends looking for me. As ebay is crazy and a lot of the web site will not ship to canada. At least the ones that sell it for a fair price that is. I am also looking forward to when some of the fan made ones are ready for sale as they will be better than the toy any way.

I hate when they do this to us canucks.

Good luck in getting yours.
Wouldn't be any law that would affect it being here. I've seen the regular ones in Toys r Us, the non-deluxe ones. I am known to push for answers, so we'll see how Spin Master responds. :lol

Comparing Toys r Us Canadian website and the US website, if you search Tron, Canadian site comes up with 4 results, and US website has triple that amount. It doesn't appear to be just the deluxe disc, but simply little/no selection at all.

Looks like my only option really, is to get these from Ebay at twice or more than the retail value. Not sure if I can wait, or find out later whether they get stock of them up here or not.

So, Spin Master tells me that they did stock these to Toys r Us, Walmart and Zellers in Canada.

Toys r Us here tells me they have not seen them in their system at all. It is not sounding like they had stock and are just sold out.

So the supplier/manufacturer saying that they distributed them to stores in Canada, but the stores in Canada are having no evidence/knowledge of ever having them. :angry

I know what you mean, I got my disc when I happen to be in the US in early Nov. Moreso cause I "had to have it" more than a US vs Canada thing. I honest presumed we'd be getting them just before the movie. I've been in quite a few Toys r Us, Walmart and Zellers in the Toronto area and never seen the ultimate disc or Baton toys, just the series 1 figs and vehicles (just found a Light runner last week, still no light Jet though). I was in the States on Dec 26th and didn't see the disc anywhere anymore (mind you it was the day after christmas...)

Now I just need the sales to start so I can get another White Light cycle.
Canada usually gets the short end on toy releases, so I'm not surprised.

I have seen the regular disc, but I don't expect to see the deluxe.
So, Spin Master tells me that they did stock these to Toys r Us, Walmart and Zellers in Canada.

Is it possible they are confused about the electronic deluxe disc and the standard frisbee style disc?

I've seen the frisbees in TRU and Zellers.

And add me to the list of those peeved at no deluxe discs up here.

Is it possible they are confused about the electronic deluxe disc and the standard frisbee style disc?

I've seen the frisbees in TRU and Zellers.

And add me to the list of those peeved at no deluxe discs up here.


I contacted them a few times, to question whether they were sure about their answer or not. I referenced the word Deluxe each time, and I did refer to the ones that "light up and sound". Unless the people sitting there having to answer consumer questions really don't have a clue, there shouldn't be any confusion.

Yes, Toys r Us today, there were 30+ of the regular frisbee ID discs. At first I almost thought I hit the jackpot of deluxe discs, but then realized quickly that they were not! :cry

I think I'll see if I can get a friend in US to grab me a few, or just bite the bullet with Ebay and pay more to make sure I get my hands on some.

I've looked in 2 TRU's and 5 Walmarts here in Calgary, and no Deluxe disc. I'll likely end up going the ebay route, or waiting for a fanmade as well.
if you are willing to pay shipping, i wouldnt mind grabbing the disc for you. you just want sams right?
if you are willing to pay shipping, i wouldnt mind grabbing the disc for you. you just want sams right?

are you talking about flynn's white disc?
why don't you just get a normal one and paint it flat white?

the black ones, are all over the place here in wisconsin / mn
Before I jump on having someone pick one up for me, I'm communicating with Spin Master again. Clearly the person answering my questions is wrong, these were never shipped to stores in Canada as they are telling me.

I've been to 6-7 Zellers, 6-7 Walmart, 5 Toys r Us, and just got back from a Disney store today.

I spoke with manager at the Disney store, and what they had on shelf was what they were sent from the beginning. Some hooded sweatshirts, some aluminum water bottles, and some media sampler kit thing. They themselves couldn't understand why they got so little, since the movie is Disney and they were actively promoting it on a big screen in the store.

Toys r Us does not have the Deluxe disc SKU in their system!

wow, that sucks for you guys...

here in california, there are tons and tons of sam's disc.....They basically sit on the shelves and collect dust.....i bought a Rinzler disc is pretty cool...
Looks like I got a more accurate and official response from Spin Master. (wish I knew why it never distributed to retail in Canada however)

"Currently at Toys R Us, Wal-Mart and Zellers in Canada the Deluxe Light Disc is not available.

At this time all of our Tron stock is dedicated to retailers so we do not have Deluxe Light Discs to sell you directly.

We do not currently know if if the Deluxe Light Disc will receive Canadian distribution.

Your best bet to purchase this item in a timely manner would be from an American retailer and have it shipped to Canada."

So I'm going the Ebay route. I just wanted to make them aware that it's not exactly fair to us Canucks when it comes to toy availability here. :unsure

I know its a tad late in the game, I was at Fan Expo in Toronto just before the release of the toys where Spinmaster had a booth there assured everyone there that "ALL the tron stuff would be available in Canada" One inept promoter there said there would even be a special edition deluxe figure that you can up load your own face into the figure with your voice so you can have a custom tron figure of your self. Epic fail on Spinmaster at the con