TRON 3 trailer scenes to be on TRON Legacy Blu-ray


Master Member
Don't know if this is legit, but here it is -

Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

"TRON 3 teaser details... tis true!
Published on: Jan 22, 2011 5:54:49 CST


Hey folks, Harry here in rehab for my back surgery. Today, it seems my equilibrium, center of gravity and legs have all begun shoring up. Still a long way to go, but damn - this is exciting to be living through. Almost as exciting as the details that I got from the footage that was shot BEFORE Thanksgiving of last year to be a teaser of the future, it seems.

I was contacted by someone that worked on the shoot for this DVD Extra. That this person's experience on set gave him, it will be made up of at least 3 scenes.

One includes Bruce Boxleitner (as Alan) and Dan Shor (as Ram). Turns out that "Ram" was apparently running the FLYNN LIVES campaign and he's frantically destroying all of that data and files, as Alan confronts him. Dan apparently utters the line, "Why did Kevin give you the cool name" - which means to my way of thinking that after Flynn came out of the Grid, he sought out the human soul of Ram and befriended him and started calling him RAM - you know - some geek that wrote that Actuarial Program that helped people plan for the future. I sorta love that. And love that the kindness Flynn showed this lowly geek, apparently created a gung ho champion for the life and memory of Kevin Flynn.

Another has Quora showing up to ENCOM and getting acousted by the press because she's riding Sam's Ducati - and states that she just spoke with Kevin Flynn, yesterday!

The last scene that was shot in this mini-shoot involved text screens where you see the Father & Son... The Dillingers stating that everything is going as planned.

That particular bit has me giddy beyond ****ing words.

Now how do I know this is true? I've got the call sheets, location maps... oh, and these"
Tron Sector has them up. It's just pictures of the set where Alan confronts Real RAM. It looks like a redress of Kevin's secret office, with Flynn lives and computer junk all around. Like if The Lone Gunmen were TRON fans. :)
I've been dealing with people telling me overexcitedly about this stuff in RL for a few weeks now. According to them a Tron 3 project is greenlit and all but locked in for a release date. Harry's their cheerleader, it seems.

I'm calling this a relic of the period when Disney thought they had a new Avatar on their hands, and nothing more than that. It was made prior to TL's release and shows only that they have some preliminary ideas for a further sequel's plot, which is hardly surprising.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed but I'll believe in Tron 3 when a cast, crew and release date are announced via the usual channels.
Given the sky-high expectations, this has to be seen as disappointing, no?

I don't see how a company could have astronomical expectations for something that is a sequel to a movie like the first Tron. "Only 90 million in the black" would be if they actually spent 300 million. Maybe they did. But they also sold albums. A lot of albums. And toys.

The fate of Tron has yet to be decided.
If they had any brains they'd make the sequels CGI animated movies. It's cheaper in the long run.
Good luck with that:

Tron Legacy (2010) - Box Office Mojo

If they genuinely spent $300M on making and marketing this then even now the Disney is only $90M into the black.

Given the sky-high expectations, this has to be seen as disappointing, no?

Disney itself caused the lack of significant profit from the film by poor marketing. More than half the time I never really saw anything else but a casual commercial during the peak of it's release.

The whole fiasco with them not re-releasing the original TRON was a big mistake. More than half of the kids my age that I talked to that have seen the original actually liked it and also enjoyed Legacy. Those that I spoke to who disliked Legacy, never even saw the original.

Top 3 biggest marketing/advertisment mistakes IMO:
1: Never re-releasing origininal TRON
2: Calling Legacy a "stand-alone" film
3: Poor in-store products, especially at Disney stores and even Disney World itself
Disney itself caused the lack of significant profit from the film by poor marketing. More than half the time I never really saw anything else but a casual commercial during the peak of it's release.
lol hello POTC all over again :rolleyes

- Jeff
Not really.

I'd have to agree. Although the "mass" of the film would be digital, the man hours and labor creating the digital spaces and effects, action sequences, ect. would cost alot of money in comparison to a live action.
SHOULD have rereleased tron on DVD and hell, they could have talked to the producers o0f Chuck and did a tie in. He's had the poster in his room for four years!