TREK Enterprise D scaled replica bridge?


Sr Member

Has there been any attempts to create a replica bridge of the ENTERPRISE D? From TNG? I was thinking of how nice one of these would be, with lights and everything? Something to put the high-quality Art Asylum figures in?

Am I crazy, or have other people made one? I can't find one anywhere. What's out there? Why aren't people making these? I want one REAL bad.... What's the deal? Anyone?

What scale were those figures? about 1:12?
Sizewise, the bridge should be manageable in that scale but I don't know if it's been done. I THINK someone did the TOS bridge in mego scale (1:9).

Here are a few "blueprints" (more layouts than actual blueprints but they seem to be properly scaled) that I've had saved for a few years. I didn't make them but they were at least publicly available when I saved them.
I know that Art Asylum made the captain's chair with Picard.. I see that thing regularly at work. I'm mentioning it because it would cut a step or two out of making the bridge (specifically making the Captain's chair lol).
Art Asylum also did a version of Riker in his chair, so thats 3 chairs right there (since Troi and Riker's chairs were the same)
Does anyone know how I can take the bridge plans, and make a blueprint for myself for the EXACT size of the art asylum toys?

Since I'm not a math guy or an engineer....:lol
Trace over them in a program like Illustrator, that'll allow you to scale them to fit with the Art Asylum figures.
Sorry to dig this thread up from under the potato patch but I am currently building a T.O.S. bridge for Art Asylum figures and the scale is 1/10. I am also VERY interested in building a TNG bridge in 1/10 scale for my Art Asylum figures, in the future but without having a set dimension in real terms it would be impossibleto extrapolate the other dimensions. Someone on here must have access to length and width, surely??? I did hear somewhere that Roddenberry insisted on a "dimension of 31 feet. that's cool with a circular bridge but not much cop when you are dealing with an oval layout...
so, can anyone help? pretty please with sugar on??? :)
I had someone try to help me with this only to get BANNED. hahahaha So I don't know. All I know is I still would kill for help making a scaled replica bridge.

I wish you luck!!!!!!!

I've been wondering for years why no one has produced any bridge models. Just seems like they would be big sellers to me. A guy named David James scratch built some awesome bridge models of the TOS, refit and TNG bridges. Sadly, he states no intention of selling or kitting them.

But just for inspiration, check out this link:

DavidJames - Sculpts: Scratchbuilt TNG Bridge
I have the studio construction blueprints for the 1701D bridge.

Width: 28.75' across the back edge of the computer walls
Length: 40' from the viewscreen to the edge of the rear console.

I'm only missing a couple of pages from the set. I sure would like to hear from someone that has the studio blueprints for the ready room elevations or the 2nd season Riker/Troi chairs.

Or any other blueprints of the 1701D standing sets. :)


Sorry to dig this thread up from under the potato patch but I am currently building a T.O.S. bridge for Art Asylum figures and the scale is 1/10. I am also VERY interested in building a TNG bridge in 1/10 scale for my Art Asylum figures, in the future but without having a set dimension in real terms it would be impossibleto extrapolate the other dimensions. Someone on here must have access to length and width, surely??? I did hear somewhere that Roddenberry insisted on a "dimension of 31 feet. that's cool with a circular bridge but not much cop when you are dealing with an oval layout...
so, can anyone help? pretty please with sugar on??? :)
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I have the studio construction blueprints for the 1701D bridge.

Width: 28.75' across the back edge of the computer walls
Length: 40' from the viewscreen to the edge of the rear console.

I'm only missing a couple of pages from the set. I sure would like to hear from someone that has the studio blueprints for the ready room elevations or the 2nd season Riker/Troi chairs.

Or any other blueprints of the 1701D standing sets. :)


Do you have scans of these, or a location where to buy copies? I'm part of a Trek in the Park play production, and access to some of these blueprints would make set construction far easier than having to eyeball it. Please let me know if you could help!
