trackboy186's 2014 Halloween Costume Contest Entry


Active Member
Well I figured it doesn't hurt to throw my hat into the ring and see if anyone likes what I've made, so I am entering the Mass Effect 2 N7 armor that I made.

The build thread for it can be found here:

To paraphrase the build, I used EVA foam floor mats and the templates available here on the RPF as a starting point.

Then after scaling the pieces to fit me, I started working on cutting the pieces as I came to them. Which was the first learning opportunity for me with this build. It's always important to look at your references and think through your patterns accordingly! Opportunity number 2? Use a sharp blade with foam! It keeps you from making ugly cuts that don't join well.

With those opportunities out of the way, I started getting into the groove of fashioning pieces and looking at appropriate references.

Which eventually let me turn multiple colors of foam mats into "Rainbow" Shepard.

With some of the tips gleaned from here on the RPF, I sealed the armor with PVA, then Plasti-Dip. Then onto painting.

All said and done, I ended up with a set of armor that I could be proud of for a first effort in armor and foam building.
IMG_20140926_210407.jpgMass Effect- Russ.jpgMass Effect.jpg

Thanks to all the members of the RPF for the motivation and guidance to get this far!

I'll have the proof pic up in a bit!
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