Toy Story prop idea; also, need ideas for increasing collection.


Master Member
I'm on a Toy Story kick lately. It just seems that there are too many acurate 'props' from the movie readily available that it makes it hard for a prop collector to resist.
This thread is two-fold for anyone who is interested in starting their own collection.
First thing is the Etch-a-sketch. Would it not be possible to size a sheet of plastic static cling to the front screen of the etch-a-sketch with one of the three graphics printed on? The gun, the noose or Buzz. Stick it on the screen and now you have an instant prop.
So here's the collection thus far:
1. Actual size Woody with pull string
2. Actual size Buzz with the Target exclusive spaceship box.
3. Etch-a-sketch
4. Slink the dog
Barrel of monkeys (though I have to find a yellow barrel)
5. Mr. Potatohead (though the version with the black bushy moustache and bowler hatis the correct version)
6. Magic eight ball.

Some things I'd really like but I can't seem to find an accurate representation available:
1. The pig.
2. Rex the dinasaur.
3. Bo Peep.

So, if anyone has and ideas, comments or suggestions, please chime in!
I saw the RC car at Target, and it's really an RC car to boot. I believe it is bigger then the size used in the movie.
Rex the dinosaur was based on the Tyrannosaurus Rex toy from the TYCO toy line Dino-Riders.



Rex, the dinosaur toy from the Toy Story movies, is obviously based on the Dino-Riders Tyrannosaurus toy. It's no surprise that the entire body design bears a striking resemblance to the Dino-Rider toy. In fact, in the first Toy Story, when the various characters are talking about where they came from, Rex actually says, "And I'm from Mattel. Well, I'm not actually from Mattel, I'm actually from a smaller company that was purchased in a leveraged buy-out." This is a perhaps not-so-obvious reference to Mattel's acquisition of Tyco. Special props to BB Shockwave from the Dino-Riders forum for pointing this out!

You can get one on eBay every once in a while without the armor for fairly cheap, if you wanted.

Just FYI. :thumbsup
theres a really nice REX toy I saw at TRU the other day, along w/ the RC car and Pizza Planet aliens. We also got my daughter a nice full size Jesse doll. If you think about how big the RC car would need to be for Buzz and Woody to sit on top, I think the one out now is just about the right size. Theres also the bucket o' soldiers. Oh, and the Buzz w/ the spaceship box isnt a Target exclusive, I've seen that elsewhere.

Anyway, cool idea about the etch-a-sketch, count me in if we figure out a way! I have a huge Toy Story collection so far as well!
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Look for the toys labeled with the "Toy Story Collection" name. These are the best and most accurate representations of the figures.


All the toys are in scale, and used the original 3d data to sculpt. Most of the original action features are there as well!
my little one's room is all Toy Story, I had fun decorating it.

I'll add Mr. Mike to the list, and an Etch a sketch is an easy one....I made one from a tablet PC, kids use it as a drawing pad/coloring book. I always thought Etch a Sketches sucked :D


I was at TRU yesterday and saw they had a whole Toy Story Section. Saw Rex which looked pretty good, the woody and buzz look great. Want to get both sometime just have to see where I can squeeze them in to other things I buy but don't need :lol
A Toy Story kick you say...



Jesse is in my daughters room. They have made a new version of her, but with plastic hair which does not match up to the original computer file images. The older piece has the fabric hair which is more accurate. To get the screen used Rex, you will want the more expensive certificate one. The jaw moves like the original movie file Rex.

I popped the newer ones out on display and packaged up the original ones in the new boxes.

Rex has not made it out yet except through Disney's online store. If you wait, you will save 25 dollars by purchasing them at Target. Ham is at the Disney Store mall shops along with a more accurate Slinky dog. I am hoping these come out in a more electronic deluxe model as well as the first few.
There was a Hamm produced a while back but I think it was a European exclusive.
Also, they made Bo-peep and Mr Microphone.

Lenny was a McDonalds happy Meal toy I think.
I found him at a garage sale.
I need to replace my Etch-A-Sketch. Mine fell off the wall and broke. Aluminum powder Everywhere. My Wife was Mad! But I'd love to do the image for it.
The Barrel of Monkeys was Yellow.
Don't forget the Little Tikes Toddle Tots Fire Truck.
Here are some pics of my collection so far.





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I have the parachute guys that came with the Bucket-o-Soldiers. I want to make some vacuformed parachutes and hang them from the ceiling.
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Sonofskywalker, love the display. I have the original posters and have been thinking of how to pop a display together, might go with something like that, a super idea.

The chop sticks were promotional swag that I found out on the net. The cool thing is it is a film sushi set:

Wow, I am loving this thread, my son is obsessed with Toy Story, we watch them several times a day. I have got him the middle grade: Buzz, Woody & Jesse. SonofSkywalker your display is amazing.
Have You SEEN the Interactive WOODY and BUZZ??

THE EYES BLINK. FREAKED ME OUT at the store!!!!!
"We toys see EVERYTHING!!!"....they need an easter egg where the right interaction triggers THAT expression and the head rotates. MAybe parents can program in their actual child's name.

Darn kids need to take care of their toys!!
There is a 16 inch Buzz ultra coming out that is darn impressive. It walks via remote control. The head moves and is animated including the mouth for talking. It is a serious piece of engineering and should retail around $ 120. Not screen accurate in dimesions though, which kind of throws it aside for me.
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There is a 16 inch Buzz ultra coming out that is darn impressive. It walks via remote control. The head moves and is animated including the mouth for talking. It is a serious piece of engineering and should retail around $ 120. Not screen accurate in dimesions though, which kind of throws it aside for me.

I saw this at the store the other day.
They also have a new Buzz out that is still the right size, but the head turns and the lights on his wings blink and other cool things. I think it is the one that comes in the box that is shaped like the Spaceship. I almost bought it the other day but my wife, the voice of reason, said "Why are you going to spend $50 on something your just going to put on a shelf?"
She really doesn't understand. :lol
It will mysteriously make it's way into my collection.
Where did you guys find the Mr. Microphonr and the Bo Peep? Those are great!
e-bay. They weren't that much when I bought them about 5 years ago. But with the re-release of 1 & 2 in 3-D and the new movie hype, they may be more now. Don't know.