Tough decisions on the Jedi Path


Well-Known Member
So i'm about to get The Jedi Path. And i'm LOVING the concept. This big space age vault containing the last teachings of the jedi. Past down from master to student over the centuries....There's just one problem. The vault is WAY too clean to have been passed down for any lenth of time. Much less after centuries of abuse. The book should be in fairly good condition, that's what the vault's for....but the vault itself should have some wear on it. So here's my dilema. Should I respect the product, (especially for the price) and leave it alone...or weather it? And if i weather it, any suggestions on how, since i've never really done weathering?

I have it and it's cool. From my understanding it was the book that was passed down and not the vault. The vault is just what they keep it in at the temple. Am I wrong? Anyway, I wouldn't weather it. Just my opinion though.
Well, yea. I think you're right. But the last name in the book is Luke Skywalker, so i'm assuming Obiwan took it with him. So you have whatever abuse it took during the purge, and then years in a cave, and eventually given to Luke, who toted it around in the back of an X-wing. Or if Yoda gave it to him, it spent years in that little hut. Either way, it shouldn't be looking like it's right off the showroom floor.
I remember reading about this, and wanting to grab one. I had the same sort of thinking going on that it needed to be kinda a bit busted up. I think there are some items in there that are from Jedi over the years?

The first thing I would do is a dry brush in black, and maybe spot it in brown with some acrylic. No idea when Luke got it, but he's been all over creation and back so chances are at the VERY least if it sat on a shelf for all those years, it'd be dusty or at least a little dingy.

Besides, the acrylic paint can always be washed off.

On the other hand, one of the best (and most hilarious) weathering jobs I have ever seen on the board was when jediscout lobbed her Katarn saber down the driveway to weather the aluminum :lol

Depends on if it's something you want to keep, or something you want to sell later.

Either way, I would go the paint route. Keeps your options open anyway :)
Well, yea. I think you're right. But the last name in the book is Luke Skywalker, so i'm assuming Obiwan took it with him. So you have whatever abuse it took during the purge, and then years in a cave, and eventually given to Luke, who toted it around in the back of an X-wing. Or if Yoda gave it to him, it spent years in that little hut. Either way, it shouldn't be looking like it's right off the showroom floor.

Actually, Palpatine took it during the Purge then Luke recovered it later.

To quote Wookieepedia:
"The third printing of the book was in 115 BBY. Over the next one hundred standard years, one copy of the book was passed down from Jedi Master to Padawan, starting with Yoda, then Thame Cerulian, Dooku, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano. During the Great Jedi Purge, the last remaining book in existence fell into the possession of Darth Sidious. After the Emperor's death, it was recovered by Squib salvagers near the remains of Byss, and given to Luke Skywalker. Luke added a section at the end of the book in regards to Force ghosts."

Personally, I wouldn't weather it, but I'm biased since I worked on the book and probably couldn't bring myself to alter it.
I did the Jedi Temple map and Obi-Wan's lightsaber sketch on a napkin plus a bunch of interior illustrations.
That is so cool you worked on it! And to be clear, i'd never alter the book or it's contents. Just the case it comes in.
Have you seen the book itself? It is pretty cool...and NOT in good shape intentionally! There are pages torn out (with a slip of paper saying this is supposed to be like this! I guess they were getting complaints that people thought someone had actually torn pages out :lol). There are 'handwritten' notes by Jedi on pages commenting on things.

The author (Dan Wallace) lives here in Minnesota, he is pretty cool. We (the local SW groups) meet up with him and Troy Denning (who also lives here) for dinner a few times a year. Dan was nice enough to bring a copy of The Jedi Path and we raffled it off at the dinner last month! I did not win it :cry
What if you buy two copies and weather one of them, keeping the other pristine?
Or set the original box aside and build your own custom box with the kind of weathering and damage you think it should have?
Yeah, besides, in the Jedipedia, they state clearly:

"...the third and final printing, circa 115 BBY, was annotated with remarks by L. Skywalker regarding the appearance of post-mortem, force generated spectral transmissions of past masters, who had studied the technique. Skywalker also created a new vault for the safekeeping and storage of the tome, which was subsequently passed down from Master to Padawan to the time of this writing. Supplemental materials, not contained in the Skywalker vault have also been recovered and are now…"


So, I would vote, keep it clean!
What does the book look like? I hadn't even heard of this until reading about it this past week.
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Well, I might get a second one and weather it....and I do like the idea of maybe making my own box, given i'm not that fond of the big hand and lightsaber on it. But i'm crap at electronics, so i dunno how i'd make one as nice as the one it comes with.
I really like the concept and may pick one up. I think weathering it may be the wrong thing to do. This kind of book would have been in the Jedi Library. I can't see the book getting that messed up sitting in the Archives. Even if it was several thousand years old it would probably be in good shape there.
I spent an hour or so reading the book at borders. The book, other than the cover is quite well worn, with torn pages, stains, and general disregard for its wellbeing. I'd personally beat up the cover a bit, then add a tea stain to the front. I'd paint the case, even if only slightly...
So what is the book?

Odd that they would go to all the trouble of tearing pages and having it look worn inside and have the cover so pristine. Probably another case of the publishers or someone thinking that the public is too stupid to understand and they would get complaints (like with the note about the torn page!)
If the inside is truly beaten up, then the cover would have to be, wouldn't it? Even if the vault box is perfect!
I spent an hour or so reading the book at borders. The book, other than the cover is quite well worn, with torn pages, stains, and general disregard for its wellbeing. I'd personally beat up the cover a bit, then add a tea stain to the front. I'd paint the case, even if only slightly...

I don't know if i could do anytihng to the BOOK myself...but i'm still thinkin bout weathering the case.