Toronto Prop Makers


Sr Member
If you are a prop maker or collector in the GTA, please post a quick message here. I'm a novice but I have a few projects on the go. I'm mainly interested in sci-fi weaponry.
Hey Caveneau,

I'm in Burlington. Here's some of my builds and other stuff:

Nice collection you've got there. I like you Blade Runner PKD. Where'd you get it?
I'm over in Whitby. Here are a few of the things I've finished.














I'm in Toronto, although dont really have any collection to show for anything atm. lols.
Kingston, just a few hours away....actually don't have much of a collection. lol
But i did sign up here after seeing some amazing props and became very interested in
I'm happy we've actually got some activity on this thread. I don't exactly have tonnes of finished props myself, but I've got a custom blaster I'm working on. I like modding store bought guns for now. Doing my own paint jobs is fun too. I am fortunate to have a garage to work in. I'll be on holiday for 2 weeks starting Aug24, I plan to be working in the garage everyday.

I'd like to collaborate with anyone at some point on some custom pieces.

I'd like to learn more about wiring LEDs with a couple of on/off switches using a 9 V battery, so if any of you are good with electronics, you could handle that aspect.

I'm also glad that you all seem to like GUNS and WEAPONS as much as I do.

I will be adding some more photos of some of my projects in the next week or 2, like I said I'm waiting for my 2 week holiday. I've got lots more bodyfiller to sand.

Thanks for posting folks, keep 'em coming.




Very nice, can you tell me who you bought them from? I really like the Blade Runner PKDs.
Burlington here. :) Mostly historical props but there's a flair of Sci-Fi in my collection.

What kind of historical stuff? I grabbed a bunch of Denix replicas a few months ago, I relatively happy with them, seeing as how Canada Border Services are a bunch of fascists in terms of how they assume everything falls under the categories of Replica or Reproduction.

I want to get a replica Henry rifle next.
I'm up in Barrie, about an hour north.

Don't have much to show, but I could help you with some of the electronics stuff.
Hey Caveneau,

The Mal pistol was cast from a screen used piece offered here a few years back. The Cleric Pistols were resin casts of a modified Beretta from Matsuo. The Silver PKD is a Doppleganger resin kit (don't know if he offers them anymore - check the propsummit board). The more accurate looking PKD is a SidKit metal replica, which also isn't made anymore.

For the most part you'd just have to check the Junkyard or ebay for them.
Hey there,
I'm in Toronto as well.
Beaches area.
I have a few bits and pieces, as well as some mold making skills.
What kind of historical stuff? I grabbed a bunch of Denix replicas a few months ago, I relatively happy with them, seeing as how Canada Border Services are a bunch of fascists in terms of how they assume everything falls under the categories of Replica or Reproduction.

I want to get a replica Henry rifle next.

Canadian Customs is a complete joke. I'm convinced that having an IQ lower than 10 is a requirement to work there!

As for what I collect it's a matter of "whatcha got?" ;). I collect old newspapers, the oldest one I have being a report on Washington crossing the Delaware. As for firearms I don't mess with the replicas, I get the real things. My collection is full of guns from the 1800's through to about the mid 20th century. I also have a lot of gear, I work in film and television and I've been prop master on a few war films so I've got a small army brewing in my basement.

As for reproductions I do mostly paper items. I'm working on a Magna Carta replica (which is being a PITA at the moment...) but I also do a lot of military paperwork.

I do some blacksmithing as well and want to get more into that so I see some "smithy" type replicas in my future as well.
WOW I didn't know there were so many collectors in the area.

My PKD was picked up on Ebay, along with most of the kits I've finished.

Talisen, your PKDs are spectacular! Your weathering technique is fantastic.

Never had a problem with customs as i only buy unfinished resin "models":cool

Orange_Blend, I'd love to see some of your collection from Burlington too. Let's keep this thread going!

Beautiful, I'm happy that we have a sizeable community here.

I was working on some stuff this past weekend, nothing big, just a scratch built 'blaster' type gun. I started it months ago with cardboard and now i've built it up using basic Bondo body filler. It's in the final stages, but with my crazy work schedule I can't get it finished fast enough.

I started sketching a Tri-barrelled assault rifle. I bought some medium density fiberboard from Home Depot and some PVC pipe for the barrels.

If anyone wants to meet up, I"m going to the FanExpo only on the Sunday (Aug29), I'm sure all of you are as well.

ALSO, is anyone interested in filming? I want to shoot a short video by the end of the summer and I will need actors to pose with a few props. If anyone's interested, let me know
Great to see so many members from near(ish) me. I'm not in Toronto, but am sort of close, about 1.5 hours north east. Would be great if there was another prop party (got to meet Talisen at the one in 2007, and possibly others?).

Here's some of my stuff (not all sci-fi weaponry, hope you don't mind). Sorry for some of the old crappy pics:

Currently assembling the 47As, here's one of the recent ones.

My Proton Pack...not overly happy with it, rushed to get it done.


Ecto Goggles V1.0

100% scratch built Trap (no found parts)

Some pics of the stuff I was showing at the prop party a few years ago.



Hey, located in Kitchener. Still starting out, some costume work and toying with some steampunk guns at the moment.

Nowhere near the caliber of most of the people on here, but I'm learning as I go.

Orange, you wouldn't happen to be a part of the Civil War Historical re-enactment group?