Top three Oh-S movie moments


Master Member
Ok, I think this has been done before, but I'm bored.

Because some people like to name everything possible, list scenes from three movies that absoultely took your breath away and made you think oh s___, this is unbelievable!


1) Star Destroyer crawl at beginning of Star Wars
2) T-Rex coming through fence in Jurassic Park
3) Theater scene at the very end of Inglourious Basterds
The very first time I saw it, I'd go with the last scene of The Usual Suspects. That blew my mind at the time.

I'd say the very first time I saw the Matrix in the scene where they first do the 360 camera pan and Trinity kicks the cop across the room. I had been told the film was "I dunno, some movie about computer hackers," so I went in not knowing what to expect.

Probably the first battle sequences in Braveheart. Prior to that, any medieval film I'd seen had VERY sanitized violence. Braveheart was the first film with medieval combat that FELT realistic, even if it has next to nothing to do with the historical events. (IE: the Battle of Stirling Bridge being fought NOT ON A FRIGGIN BRIDGE) Still, when he attacked the fort and you saw the first bits of really gory violence, that really surprised me.
Ok, I think this has been done before, but I'm bored.

Because some people like to name everything possible, list scenes from three movies that absoultely took your breath away and made you think oh s___, this is unbelievable!


1) Star Destroyer crawl at beginning of Star Wars
2) T-Rex coming through fence in Jurassic Park
3) Theater scene at the very end of Inglourious Basterds

I also have one Star Wars and one Jurassic Park related moments:
1) Leaving the theater from Phantom Menace and saying "Holy s***! That's it? That's what we've been waiting for all these years?" :lol
2) T-Rex chasing jeep when Goldblum's Ian Malcolm says "Must go faster" in Jurassic Park
3) The end scene of The Game
It was NOT the revelation at the end of the Sixth Sense (although I did enjoy hearing everyone else FINALLY figuring it out). ;)
1) Star Wars - all of it (I was a kid)
2) Alien - when the critter pops out of his stomach.
3) Chronicles of Riddick - when he rescues Kiera off of the cliff and the sun comes up behind them.
The "all one shot" car scene in Children Of Men. Great scene on its own but the camera work is insane and it takes a minute to go "Hey wait a minute....where's the cut?" if you even notice it at all.

The "That is not meth" scene from Breaking Bad Season 1. Not a movie, I know. I do not care. Between the lead-up, the actual scene and then Walt's scene in the car afterwards, that has to be one of my favorite scenes of anything ever.

The Pencil Trick from The Dark Knight. Can't articulate why I like it other than by cackling like a crazy person.
The Hades landscape opening of Blade Runner. Nothing has ever beaten that for me.
This one's very hard to choose just three.
Also, there's different types of Oh-S moments in films.
Anyhow, I'm just posting the first 3 that popped into my head.

Alien - Chestburster scene
The Thing - pretty much the whole movie after the "dog" is put in the kennel
American Werewolf in London - David's first full moon after being attacked
Sat through Breathless in the theater in 1983 with my wife to be and some friends and this movie totally blows. At the time I was used to seeing Richard Gere as a gigolo or a Naval Officer candidate. I'm easily amused but this bored me to tears but the last few seconds of the movie overcame all that.

With that said, I've never seen the movie since and really don't intend to.
This one's very hard to choose just three.
Also, there's different types of Oh-S moments in films.
Anyhow, I'm just posting the first 3 that popped into my head.

Alien - Chestburster scene
The Thing - pretty much the whole movie after the "dog" is put in the kennel
American Werewolf in London - David's first full moon after being attacked

If I had to pick 6 moments, those would be included. :)
Se7en - "What's in the box?"
Deliverance - "Sqeal like a pig"
American History X - "Bite the curb"

and here's my OSM from TV shows:

Shield - Shane Vendrell suicide after poisoning his wife and kid
Shield - Acededa...gun to his head...on his knees....
24 - Jack Bauer executes Chappelle
I'm sure that others will occur to me later, but the one that really jumps out at me right now, is seeing the Bracchiosaur for the first time in JP1. I was 17 at the time, but I remember gasping in wonder as that HUGE, gorgeous creature took up the screen, looking for all the world like it was really there. Made me feel like I was a small child all over again...
Great thread.

For me, in no order...

The pre-credit/title scenes in Casino Royale. We all went to the cinema dressed in tuxedos and evening dresses, and we were out of our seats cheering by the gunbarrel.

Han Solo coming to the rescue at the death star trench and the subsequent blowing up of the thing. Get tingles every time I see that.

The riot scene at the end of Scum. You know things are about to get very, very real.
1. Oldboy - Is that a tape recording I hear?/Paternal overfamiliarity

2. Clockwork Orange - "Home" invasion rape/beating scene (this is horrible, why am I laughing?)

3. Se7en- What's in the box/your wife gave you head lol
Top three would be difficult as I have several- but what comes to mind first...

"Aliens"- Hicks pokes his head above the ceiling to reveal the aliens crawling toward him.

Saving Private Ryan- the entire Omaha Beach sequence.

Wrath of Khan- (after Kirk's double-cross) Kirk giving the order to "Fire!" (still gives me goosebumps to this day!)

These are the moments that made me go "Oh Shhhhhhhhiiii---"


Alien Chestburster - "Don't Touch it! Don't touch it!"

Usual Suspects - the ending, yeah - I was blown away.

ESB - Vader's "I am your father" line blew me away in 1980. Heavy stuff.

TV moments:

The Wire - The way Stringer Bell, Bodie, and Omar go down. Awesome stuff, and you don't want to believe it's happening.

Star Trek TNG - that Locutus cliffhanger... Longest Summer EVER, waiting for the resolution!!

BSG - GALACTICA'S ATMO DROP. My gods, electrifying.

Either of these from Twin Peaks:
That shot of Laura Palmer rearing her head back and SCREAMING in the abandoned boxcar. I remember that was at a friends house watching it with all the lights off, and to this day I can picture it in my head and get a chill.

Ugh - found a still...Creepasaurus Rex:

Dale Cooper smashing his head into the mirror and mockingly saying "How's Annie? How's Annie?"... I was so shocked and depressed, but it was such a visceral scene.

Last night's True Blood was basically one long "holy shi...." moment after another, LOL!
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